Chapter 5

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My mother hugs me tightly, it's been a week since the wedding and everyone is starting to leave, I still can't believe I'm a married woman, I guess it's going to take some getting used to, "Enjoy your honeymoon, darling, and please, please—try not to disrespect your husband, no matter what. Relax and enjoy your union. You are both blessed." She whispers in my ear, her heartfelt words comforting. 

"Oh, Mom." Hot, unwelcome tears prick my eyes as I cling to her.

"Be strong, dear." She kisses my hair.

I give her a lopsided smile. Sad that they were leaving. "I'll miss you, hopefully, we return to the States soon."

"We would miss you too." She gives me her most endearing, motherly, absolute- unconditional love smile, and I marvel at the love I feel for this woman as we hug again.

"Mother and daughter, it's time to go." My father voiced as he appeared out of the room with Andy, I reached and hugged my father, "Love you, Dear."

"Love you too."

My eyes are red with unshed tears as he releases me.

I quickly held onto Andy as we both watched them get in the car and drive away, Andy held me tightly as tears were streaming down my face, "Let's get you inside." Andy walks me to the kitchen and helps me with a glass of water.

I accepted the water even though I wasn't thirsty and took a small sip while going through my phone. I immediately got a text from Dabe, it was a reply to the message I sent this morning. In the middle of texting, I paused to look at Andy to see we were both busy on our phones, I swear sometimes it feels like we are more of business partners than a couple.

"So do you have any plans?" I try to gain his attention.

"I have a meeting with Father in a few hours, do you need anything?" He stops to finally look at me, "Are you okay? I can cancel if you need me to stay."

"No, go. Besides we still have that dinner thing tonight with your father. In the meantime, the guys and I are going to hang out. Sade answered last night, I've been texting Dabe since morning and she finally answered back, I'm going to text James and see if he can come too. I know he was with Dabe last night, he texted me."

"Since when are you and James close?" He asks subtly.

"What do you mean? we talk, sometimes, especially now I know he likes Dabe. I really want this to work, he's good for Dabe or what do you think?" I suggested tentatively, hoping he would see the potential match.

My husband's eyes narrow as he stares at me from across the counter, "What time is this get-together?"

"Around 14:00. Why, you coming? I thought you had a meeting."

"I'll drop you. First, I need to take a shower, I had an early workout." He starts to leave without answering my question. 

"You haven't told me what you think about Dabe and James, don't you like the idea?" I hate to be brushed off like that.

He turns to look at me and I smile, waiting for him. "Don't you have more important things to worry about?"

My smile dropped.

"You mean like being your housewife?"

"I didn't mean it like that..." He sighs and leans against the wall to face me, "I need you to stop meddling. ..We both know Dabe doesn't like it, in fact, she hates it, she doesn't say it because she feels she owes you a lifetime."

"She doesn't owe me anything and since when are you an expert on what Dabe needs?"

"Sally, I know you enjoy things being done a certain way, your way precisely, it's not a completely bad habit, it's just annoying, like yesterday when I requested my clothes be sent to the laundry house but you insisted on doing it yourself and now I'm stuck with a shrieked $500 suit I can't wear." My heart raced and regret gripped me as I realized he was still mad.

"I'm sorry, I will get you a new suit in the morning."

"It's not about the suit, I need you to start listening." I could feel the tension in the room ease as he started walking toward me, his fists still clenched at his sides, "Now if you are done giving me more reasons to talk about Dabe, I would like to take that shower now."

I can't believe we've spent our free time talking about Dabe, this would be the longest conversation we've had as a couple and it's about another woman. How thrilling is my married life? "Again, I'm sorry about your suit."

"I know you are." He leans and graces my forehead with his lips before heading into the bathroom, there's a momentary pause before the shower drops.

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