Chapter 9

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Slowly the outside world invades my senses, I walk out of the guest room, feeling a little disoriented from the previous night's antics. I glance down at the oversized shirt Andrew offered me last and chuckle, it was the same shirt we bought on our trip to Vegas last year.

I quickly tied the ends of the shirt together to make it look less revealing and made my way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

As I poured water into the coffee maker, I could hear Sally groaning from the living room, I found my way to her, she was sitting on the couch, one hand holding her head and the other clutching a glass of water.

"Hey, rough night?" I asked, trying to keep my voice light.

She looks up at me, her eyes squinting in the bright morning light. "I think I had too much to drink last night."

"You think."

She squints.

"Don't judge. My head feels like it's about to blow up. Why is there no fucking aspirin in this house?"

"Okay, hold on." I went back into the kitchen, poured in another fresh cup of coffee, and returned to hand it to her. "Here, this should help."

She took a grateful sip and then stopped to regard me, "Um, where did you get that?" She points at the shirt, "Andy has the same shirt."

"I found it in the closet." I don't mention, he gave it to me.

"That's Andy's shirt for sure, I remember because it's his favorite and he never lets me wear it."

My heart sank as I realized my mistake. "Oh, uh, I must have... I'll go take it off, I'm leaving anyway."

"D-don't..." Before she could finish that sentence, Andrew walked into the kitchen in his suit and tie. He took one look at me and his wife, and the room suddenly felt tense.

"What's going on?" He asked, sensing some tension in the air.

I bit my lip, unsure of how to explain the situation, but Sally beat me to it, "Remember when I begged to wear that shirt, the one you supposedly 'lost'? Well, it's been found."

Andrew's jaw tightened, but he didn't say anything.

I blush, feeling guilty for causing a rift between them.

I quickly finished her coffee and excused herself from the kitchen, hoping to avoid any further confrontations.

"Dabe, wait—" Sally stops me, "I'm not mad at you, it's just next time, if you need anything to wear just ask me, or ask Andy for any of my nighties, there's no problem with that, we are like sisters, we can share everything, except my husband or his clothes. You understand, right?" It sounded almost like a threat.


"Good." She shifts her gaze to her husband, who seemed quite upset, staring back at me.

"I'll go change. Excuse me."

As I walked back to the guest room, I could hear them talking in hushed tones, but at the moment all I wanted to do his disappear and pretend like nothing had happened.

I quickly changed into my clothes and gathered my things to head out, I made my way out of the door to see Andrew waiting in the passage.

"I'll drive you home."

"Where's Sally?"

"She's gone back to bed." He reaches for my hand and I quickly tuck it away,


He nods understanding.

"About earlier, I'm sorry-"

"It's fine, can you just take me home please," I say and just push past him.

He follows me behind carefully as if thinking his next words carefully.

We made it outside and I quickly got in the back of the car, I didn't want to make things any more awkward, he didn't like that tho, "Get in the front, Dabe."

"Can we not, Andrew, I just want to go home."

"I need to be able to look at you when I drive, so get your ass to the front." He dragged me out of the back and into the front. I looked up at the balcony and noticed Sally, my heart almost fell out of my chest, she was standing there the whole time, watching.

That intense look in her eyes, it's almost like she suspects us or something, I try not to think about it as Andrew starts to drive out of the driveway, 

A text came in and I looked to see it from Sally.

'Sorry about earlier, let me make it up to you. Lunch at Linda's. I'll call you.'

"You okay?" Andrew startles me.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." I tried not to think about it and just focused on getting out of Abuja as soon as possible.

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