Chapter 16

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I woke up, gasping for breath, covered in sweat. Holy hell. I was completely disorientated. I glanced at my alarm clock—eight o'clock. I put my head in my hands and jumped out of bed, it was my graduation day and I was very late.

Chima was skipping around the kitchen when I staggered in.

"Are you okay? You look like shit?"

"I'm fine." I've been crashing with Chima since I moved out of my old flat, Sally stopped paying her share of the rent and it became too much for me, "My head is aching."

She frowned.

"Did you sleep?"

"Not very well."

I head for the kettle. I need tea. I made myself some tea before going upstairs to get ready, my friend Ray was supposed to pick me up by 9 and it's 8:30.

I had 30 minutes to put on a dress and do my make-up. "Do you need a hand?" Chima came up just in time to help with my makeup.

I was dressed and ready when Ray arrived. I opened the front door, and he was standing on the porch in his suit.

"Wow, I just realized I have never seen you in a suit, why haven't I ever seen you in a suit, you look so cute." I reached over and straightened his little lie and then grabbed his face, "You look adorable."I threw my arms around him in an uncharacteristic display of affection. He was taken aback, bemused.

"I'm pleased to see you, too," he muttered as he hugged me. Setting me back down, his hands on my shoulders, he looked me up and down, his brow furrowed. "You look alright."

"Take that back. I look amazing."

He smiled and helped me into the car, "Yeah, you look amazing," he finally said.

Ray pulled into the campus parking lot minutes later, and we followed the line of students heading toward the gym.

"You seem awfully nervous."

He picked a good day to be observant,

"It's a big day." I smiled.

I was nervous, very nervous, Sally had texted in the morning saying they were going to make an appearance, the Williams are huge sponsors of the university.

And I was going to see him.

It's been 6 months

I took in a deep breath.

The gym is crowded. Ray went to sit with the other well-wishers in the tiered seating, while I made my way to my seat. I was wearing my black gown and my cap, and I felt protected by them, anonymous.

There was no one on the stage yet, but I couldn't steady my nerves. My heart was pounding, and my breathing was shallow. They are here, somewhere. I thought.

I took a quick glance around before making my way to my seat amongst fellow students whose surnames also begin with P.

I was in the third row,

I glanced behind me and spotted Ray high up in the bleachers. I gave him a wave. He self-consciously threw me a kiss, I shook my head at him and sat as the buzz of excited voices got louder and louder.

At precisely 10, the chancellor appeared from behind the stage, followed by the three vice chancellors and then the senior professors, all decked out in their black and blue regalia.

We all stood to applaud them. Some professors nod and wave at us, others just smile.

I applauded louder at Professor Gregory, my favorite professor and he waved back. Then followed the patrons of the university, Andrew and beside him was Sally, she was wearing a lovely pink dress and white heels, she looked like some ambassador's wife, he, on the other hand, had on a white shirt and plain gray trousers, almost like he didn't want to be here. Let's not forget the bush on his face, has he not been looking after himself?

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