Chapter 7

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Later that night, Sally and I get ready to meet my parents for dinner. Sally made sure to drag Dabe along for company, since father and I will be busy with the investors the whole night, "I'm ready." Sally appears in a satin white dress.

"You look amazing." I reach and grace her forehead, she smiles and wraps her petite frame around me. Somehow, my mind keeps floating,

I look over her shoulder and watch Dabe walk into the room, dressed in a blue dress that hugs her curves and strappy heels that wrap around her calves.

It takes everything in me not to fall when she locked eyes with me, my body reacts instantly, fuck! Panic set in as I tried to discreetly adjust myself, so Sally wouldn't notice the erection.

"My god, Andy, we don't have time for that. Dabe and I are going to wait by the car, fix that." She whispered and quickly grabbed Dabe way before she could notice anything, I need to do something about this.

When we get to the restaurant, we're escorted to a large hall decorated in all whites, silver, and gold. A table in the back is adorned with a feast consisting of all different kinds of meals.

A man in a dark suit stood at the end of the table,

"Welcome, everyone. Come on in. I'm Daniel and I'll be your host for the night. Please grab a bite and enjoy. We'll get started shortly."

Once everyone has had a few minutes to eat and chat, I try to win over some new investors for a new project I'm working on, it took several hours of pitching, smiling, and cracking humorless jokes to get two or three business owners interested and still Father wasn't impressed,

After the official talk is over, everyone is left to enjoy the drinks and food for a while,

Dabe and I have avoided each other the whole, keeping to our respective bubbles but when we bump into each other in the center of the room, I happily burst it.

I'd rather be talking to her tonight than all these rich people.

"Mr. Williams?"

"Ms. Peters?"

She chuckles, and my heart spirals, every gesture this woman makes drives me completely insane, "Dabe, I'm in love with you." I let my intrusive thoughts and alcohol take over, she gasps in shock, this is probably the most honest thing I've said tonight, "I've been in love with you, forever and I'm not going to stop saying it... I'm a little late...I.I know but I just had to say it."

"Excuse me." She tried to walk away from me and I grabbed her by the arm. I needed to make sure she heard it.

"I said I love you."


"Dabe, I don't expect you to say it back. I just thought you should know that my feelings haven't changed."

"Andrew, I just witnessed your wedding, I stood right in front of you, while you made sacred vows to another woman, you love me, don't be ridiculous."

"Dabe, that's not—" I grab her arm,

"Get your hands off me before I lose the little patience I have left." She says with gritted teeth, it's a miracle no one noticed the commotion happening between us, "I said get your hands off me." She nabbed her arms away from me,

"Dabe, oh my gosh!" A drunken Sally stumbles over to where Dabe and I stand, a young-looking white man standing behind her.

"Are you okay, Dabe?"

"Me? I'm great." She clears her and tries to pull herself together while glaring at me.

"Anyway, I have someone I want you to meet." Sally flops her hands in the air behind her, inspiring the mystery guy to step out from behind her.

"Dabe, this is Mike. Mike, this is my sister's cousin, Dabe. Mike works at our headquarters in Lagos."

She winks at Dabe, who's standing there looking like a deer in headlights.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you, Mike."

"Likewise," he takes her hand in his and kisses it.

"You've got to be kidding." I gag.

This guy looks no older than twenty-seven and that's being generous. It's insulting that Sally thinks it's a good idea to set Dabe up with someone like him, especially after I warned her to stay out of it.

"Mike here is single and without a date tonight."

"Okay..." Dabe drags out the word.

"And neither do you."

"Well, I was dragged here against my will so I'm not sure why I need a date. All I want to do right now is have a good night's sleep and forget certain things that were said to me." She glares at the last part.

"She doesn't mean that." Sally's words begin to slur a little harder. "I just thought you two might hit it off tonight. Maybe you should go somewhere private and talk, you might find out you have so much in common," she suggests and gestures toward the exit but the movement throw her off balance, so I reach my hand up to steady and hold her in one place, how much has she had tonight?

"Ah, Excuse me." Sally scurries towards the bathroom, a good husband would go after her, but I'm not going to leave Dabe in the arms of a stranger, even if that makes me a bad husband.

"I'm so sorry about that. She means well," Dabe apologizes to Mike. I notice him lick his lips as he regards her, any man would be insane not to want her and a fool to want to lose her.

"Hey, I mean. I'm not opposed to going on a date with a beautiful woman. You are beautiful."

"That's very flattering, thank you." She flutters.

I clear my throat and they look at me as if just remembering I'm standing here. Dabe looks at me, with wide eyes, "You should go check on Sally."

I nod,

"Mike, do you want to grab another drink?" She lays her hand on the middle of his back and guides him towards the table. When she turns back to me, she mouths the words 'Check on your wife', driving the knife in a little deeper."

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