Chapter 14

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I stepped out of the airport gate, my heart pounding in my chest as I searched the crowd for my sister, Chima. And then I saw her, standing there with a wide grin on her face. Without hesitation, I ran towards her, throwing my arms around her in a tight hug. "Welcome back." She held me close, murmuring soothing words of comfort in my ear as I cried it out. "You're alright, you're home now, you got home.."

I don't let go.

"I'm here for you, no matter what." She kisses my hair.

I pulled back slightly to look at her. "Thank you, now can we go before they send security to chase us out?"

She laughs, wiping away a tear from my cheek. "I know it hurts, but you are going to be alright. You will get through this. And I will be here every step of the way."

I took a deep breath, trying to compose, and with that, we were on our way, "Can we stop and get some food, I'm starving and the airplane food was terrible."

"What, no more private planes." She teased.

"Shut up."

She throws her head back and laughs as we get in the car with my things, we drive for a few minutes and stop at a breakfast pub for their breakfast menu,

Chima stirred her coffee absentmindedly as she watched me, gaze out the window of the quaint breakfast pub. We have always been close, sharing secrets and laughs over countless meals, but today there was a heavy silence between us.

"How's mum?" She chimed in.

I turned back to look at her and sighed, digging into my cold fries. I was barely five minutes in and I was already down to eating junk.

"She's still mom, nothing's changed but in a way, she sends her regards, sent over a whole bag of groceries even though I never cook, I guess it's her way of reaching out to you."

"Well, I'll take it."

"Be my guest..."

I took a look outside again, watching people going about their business, I wondered what he was thinking or doing. Should I call him? I glance at my phone for the 100th time today,  "So what now?" Chima chimed in again,

"What do you mean?" I pulled myself together.

"Now that your weird romance thing is over. What are you going to do with yourself? Are you going to start seeing other people? Or get a stupid bang—"

"Why would I get a bang?"

"I mean, isn't that what you straight people do when you're feeling heartbroken and shit. I think a short pixie bang would suit you, Chomy got one after Eric left her."

"I'm not getting a bang, that's just weird and I'm not heartbroken."

"Then why were you crying earlier." She had to ask.

"Because...Just because." I couldn't come up with one line to defend myself in this case, I knew I wasn't heartbroken, I just didn't know how to explain how I was feeling.

"Get over it, it was a joke and now he's married to your cousin, to think he chose her over you, piece of shit—"

"Oh my god, Stop!" I got up and walked away in frustration, I waited by the car and bit down the tears.

Chima burst out a few minutes later,

"You know I never liked him, he kept you hidden in this little box, feeding you all those lies about the future, only to turn around and marry our conniving cousin..." Chima didn't like Sally, I never understood her problem with her,  "So it's okay to be heartbroken, cry your eyes out, and then move the hell on. ... find some man or woman and fucking move on from that bastard once and for all."

"I'm trying..."

"Well, try harder, quit looking at your phone every five seconds, the man is screwing his wife at some fancy beach house right now..."

"jesus, Chima."

"Well, it's the truth."

"Andrew is not a bad person... it's just complicated."

"He dated your cousin, while being with you. How can you still love a man like that?"

"What Andrew and I had was a joke, You've made that pretty clear but I loved him and I like to think that it meant something that way I don't have to remember that I spent half of my life playing fucking solitaire with myself. So can you stop...."

"Alright, I'm sorry." Chima reached over with a sigh and pulled me into a hug, "Just promise me, you will never see him again." She pulled back, placing a hand on my shoulder, "You have to promise."

I gave a small nod,

"Good. C'mon, let's get you home, I have a shift in an hour."

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