Chapter 10

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I was doing last-minute work on my thesis when I got a text message from Sally asking to meet up, I didn't know what it was about, but I needed an excuse to get away from all the work and thinking, some fresh air and company would be good.

As soon as I stepped out of the building, I felt a heavy weight lift off my shoulders; swept away in the cool, I don't know how long it's been since I went outside, my flight is a few days and I thought I would stay out of sight for a while.

I took a deep breath of the crisp air and took a look around at the scene of people simply hustling and going about their business.

The place where I was to meet Sally was a short walk from the hotel. Normally, I would have booked a ride, but I needed to clear my head.

By the time I arrived at the coffee shop where Sally was waiting, I was feeling a lot better The bells on the door jingled daintily when I walked into the cozy restaurant. There were not so many people waiting around, perhaps because it was a Monday.

I spot Sally at a table off to the side, next to the window where she could watch people just walk by and go about their business. She had on a blue dress and some heels, her long, dark hair neatly clipped back, not to mention the expensive jewelry, anyone could tell money was not her problem.

I envy her, not in a bad way, I just wish I don't have to work ten times as hard to achieve a milestone or freaking Chanel bag, but that's by the way.

When she finally notices me, she smiles, crimson lips curving across her pale face as she stands to greet me with a hug. Her warmth was comforting, despite my usual dislike of physical affection, but it was quick, and then she drew back to look at me.

"What are you wearing?"

I roll my eyes and take a seat, I didn't exactly put any effort into this, "You know, this is Yellowcabana, one of the most exclusive restaurants in Abuja, and you show looking like that, what am I going to do with you?"

"That's your problem, I came here to eat rich people's food."

She shakes her head at me in disbelief, "I'm starting to believe your problem is spiritual, you can't be normal. .. I should arrange a deliverance session for you because this is getting out of hand."

"Please, sit down." She took her seat once more across from me. I waiter walks over with some drinks,

"Oh, I ordered some drinks. Figured you'd need something to warm you up with this weather."

I smiled at the gesture and took a sip of the drink. It was sweet, a bit too much so for my taste, but I still smiled gratefully as I set down my glass.

"So how are you? You're looking hot, you sure you're here to see me?" I tease, the taste of cream and sugar still stuck to my mouth. Sally smiled, shyly, "How's our husband?" Ugh! That came out so wrong.

"Andy, he's busy with the new Abuja project, the company expansion and all. I barely get to see him these days, but that's my fault for marrying an ambitious man..."She seemed sad but waved the issue away with a simple gesture of her hand, "Enough about me, how have you been?" she asked, lifting her cup to her lips, steam still rising from the drink.

"Great, I've been working on my thesis for the past few days."

"Yeah, for your master's. I almost forgot about that. How's that going?"


"That's good..."

There's a drop of silence between us for a bit, a guilty silence, I had to fill it in, "So how's married life? Is it as thrilling as they say it is?" I can't believe I just asked that.

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