Chapter 5

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-Last time on Twin Ghouls of Kuoh-

"Once you put everything together you'll be able to take down that riser guy." (Y/n) said. "Also what I said earlier close those gaps on your defenses." Nashiro said as the twins left.

-Present time-

Readers pov

We were walking from the apartment to get ready for the first day at Anteiku. "Kinda nervous about this one Nee-san." Nashiro said. "Yeah same for me but we'll get trained." I said as we saw the coffee shop. We opened the door seeing irimi waiting for us. "Hey you two ready for training." Irimi said as we both nodded. We grabbed the aprons from the rack as we went over to Irimi.

"Seems you two are nervous." Irimi said. "Yeah you could say this is almost our first actual job." I said as Nashiro nodded. "Well don't worry everyone's nervous when doing something for the first time so who wants to go first." Irimi said. Me and Nashiro looked at each other. "I'll go first." Nashiro said. "Alright then (y/n) why you have a seat you'll be the taster." Irimi said as I nodded and sat down. I was watching Nashiro follow Irimi's instructions setting it up to weighing the coffee beans, to grinding them, and other set ups to it. Seeing the technique makes me intrigued almost on how this is an art form. "Alright seems you got the basics Nashiro." Irimi said as they waited for the coffee to filter out.

A few minutes went by seeing that the coffee is now done. I watch as Nashiro poured it into a cup and set it before. "Now for the taste test." Irimi said. I added cream to mine since I did like it a bit sweet. I took a sip and did a soft sigh seems it does calm the nerves though gives that like spike in caffeine. "S-so how is it." Nashiro said as I gave her a soft smile. "It's great perfectly done." I said. "Well look at that seems you got it on the first try Nashiro. (Y/n) it's your turn." Irimi said. "Good luck Nee-san." Nashiro said sitting down.

"Alright (y/n) let's see if you can do it." Irimi said as I nodded. I tried my best to replicate on how the coffee was made with Irimi's guidance but theirs always a flaw whether it's messing up on the formation of the filter paper to not pouring the water in the circular motion. "I'm a failure as a coffee maker." I said dropping to my knees in defeat.

"I'm better off hunting as a ghoul than being a coffee maker

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"I'm better off hunting as a ghoul than being a coffee maker." I said crying. "It's ok (y/n) not everyone can get it on their first try. It took kaneki a few tries with Touka." Irimi said. "I'm sure you'll get nee-chan." Nashiro said. "Nashiro." I said wiping my tears. "Now come on (y/n) let's try again." Irimi said as I nodded as I tried to make the coffee again.


No ones pov

"Well you two did a great job on your first day at work." Irimi said. "Thank you teaching us." The twins bowed. "Ahh it's nothing." Irimi said scratching her head as Yoshimura came in. "Irimi how did they do one their first day." Yoshimura said. "Well they did great though it did take (y/n) sometime to get the coffee right." Irimi said as Yoshimura chuckled. "Well Kaneki was the same you will make errors at times but with more practice you can perfect it." Yoshimura said.

The twins put their aprons on the racks. "I guess that will be for today's work then." Irimi said both twins nodded. "Oh yeah do you still want that flesh." Yoshimura said. "Oh yeah we'll take that to." (Y/n) said as Yoshimura went to the basement and came back with two bags. "Should last you two for a good while." Yoshimura said. "Thank manager." Both twins said. "We'll see you two next week." Yoshimura said as the twins nodded as they left the shop.

The twins were walking home from Anteiku as Yoshimura reminded them about their fallen angel problem. Though ghouls are predatorial creatures Yoshimura told them that fallen angels use light spears. As the kept walking the twins dodged two light spears as they looked at their perpetrators.

"Hmm these aren't devils

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Hmm these aren't devils." The man in the trench coat said. "Even so I'm sure this'll get us into heaven if we take them out." The dark blue haired female said. "So these are what Yoshimura mentioned." (Y/n) said letting her kagune out. "Let's take them out." Nashiro said.

The twins ran at their assailants as they dodged light spears. "They're fast." The man in the trench in said. They soon got close as they used their kagune to stab the two. Blood coughed from the assailants mouths. The two jumped back as the twin were about to coordinate another attack the assailants focus their attack on Nashiro. Nashiro dodged the first one but their was second one behind she felt a push as it was (y/n) who took the hit for her.

(Y/n) coughed blood rolling to the ground. "Nee-san." Nashiro said running to her. "Hmph seems they're not all that let's finish them." The man in the trench said as the fallen duo jumped at them. "NEE-SAN!!!" Nashiro screamed as the sudden adrenaline lifted (y/n) making her kill the Fallen duo. "I wouldn't go down that easily N-Nashiro." (Y/n) said as she coughed blood falling to her knees. "Nee-san." Nashiro said. "This wound is making my regeneration slow." (Y/n) said as she looks at the hole that light spear made on her. (Y/n) looked at the two dead bodies she killed. "Let's eat." (Y/n) said looking at Nashiro. "Mm." Nashiro said as the twins began eating the two fallen angel bodies. The two then felt a surge in their bodies from eating the fallen angel flesh.

"Ngh what is this." (Y/n) said. "I am feeling the same thing nee-san." Nashiro said as the surge stopped. The twins tried to use their kagune but it wasn't appearing. "What the." (Y/n) said. "My Kagune." Nashiro said. "Is it the flesh." (Y/n) said as the twins felt a singular wing spread.

(For (y/n) it's on her left side while Nashiro's is on the right)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(For (y/n) it's on her left side while Nashiro's is on the right)

"Our kagunes changed." Nashiro said. "I guess it changed our rc cells." (Y/n) said. "Are you sure." Nashiro said. "It's just a theory maybe we can ask Yoshimura about this." (Y/n) said as they turn back to normal picking up their things heading home.

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