A Spider's Vengeance Part 1

Comenzar desde el principio

These men obviously hadn't changed during the years since you'd seen them. One thing was new though, and bile rose into your mouth when you saw it.

There on the other side of the room in the darkest corner was a cage, a simple metal structure looking more sturdy than fancy. Not very big, probably meant to hold creatures the size of large dogs and so small that the person curled up inside it couldn't sit up straight or stretch out when lying down. Feeling nauseous you approached it and were not surprised when you saw it was a young girl. They had taken someone else. And she probably wasn't the first one. The realization was like a punch in your guts as you thought about how many girls must have taken your place after you got away. They'd probably come up with the cage to avoid any more escapes.

She had heard you and turned around, wrapping her arms tighter around her knees, her fingers clutching a thin rather dirty blanket. Her hair was a mess, and what skin you could see was covered in bruises. Squatting down you placed a hand on one of the bars, itching to touch her, to heal her, but you also didn't want to scare her more.

'Hey, it's okay. We'll get you out. Do you know where they keep the key?'

Big eyes stared at you as if she couldn't believe you were real, then a small shake of the head. You looked back at Fei and Phinks who were in the process of tying the now weakly struggling man to the wooden desk.

'Does he have a key on him? For this lock? Should be fairly large.'

Fei patted the guy's pockets but shook his head. 'No have. Just break it open.'

'How? It's solid metal.'

Phinks slapped the squirming man hard enough to make him slump back, allowing Fei to tighten the ropes while Phinks sauntered over to you and tugged at the door.

'Hm, good strong, somewhat enhanced metal,' he said. 'One turn should do it.' One turn? What was he talking about? He swung his arm in a wide circle as if to warm up his shoulder, the way you'd seen him do before the fight in Meteor City. But there was no one to fight here... What was he...

'Watch out,' he warned and the girl obediently turned around and curled up, squeezing her eyes shut. Then he simply punched the lock and you gasped as the door as well as most of that whole side bent like they were made of rubber. He then pulled the door off what was left of its hinges.

'Thanks,' you said and he winked at you before heading back to Fei and you helped the girl crawl out of the cage. With a sigh of relief she stretched her legs and pulled her thin blanket tighter around her naked body.

'Who are you people? How could he just break open that door like that?' She watched Fei and Phinks with a mixture of fear and awe, 'Are you like...them? You have magic too?'

'You could say that,' you said, clearly this one didn't know about nen. 'Let me have a look at you. My "magic" can heal you, if you let me.'

The girl looked skeptical but nodded once more, and you knelt down beside her, gently laying a hand on her arm. 'X-ray.'

It wasn't as bad as you'd feared, some broken ribs were the only significant injuries. Otherwise, it was mostly bruising and several nasty-looking small circular burns in various stages of healing. Most likely from cigarettes. The leader had been a smoker, you remembered that he always lit one after he'd... It seemed they had found other uses for the cigarettes as well. Assholes.

'That's amazing,' she whispered, her fingers touching the spot where a particularly deep and angry red burn had just transformed into a silvery pale scar while she watched.


'This magic of yours. That's a great superpower and it's nice to know not only evil men have magic.' She glanced over at the guys at the table with a smile, 'You're the good guys, right? Superheroes, like in the movies.'

You choked a bit on that, but in this situation, you supposed she was right. You were the good guys.

'How did you know I was here? Did my parents hire you to find me?'

'No,' you were still in x-ray mode so you carefully avoided raising your eyes to her face, 'They've done this before, to many others, and we just wanted to make sure they'll never be able to hurt anyone else. We didn't know you were here, but I'm glad we found you. And I'm sure your parents will be so happy to see you.'

'They did mention others. Saying something about how ordinary humans weren't as much fun and didn't last as long...I don't know how much longer I could have...' She finally broke down and tears started falling down her cheeks.

'Shh, you're safe now. And they'll get what they deserve. All of them.'

You finished the healing in silence and then joined the guys just as Shal came back down the stairs.

'That's odd, I could have sworn two of them went inside. The two I showed you pictures of,' Shalnark frowned, the expression looking odd on his usually sunny face. 'But I guess one of them could have sensed us and decided to leave the sinking ship. Or maybe he just had other business and will come back later. We should have seen him leave though.'

'Let's hope he'll be back,' Phinks grinned. 'Though this one is a good catch. The leader of their little pack, eh? Looks fairly strong too, so he should last for a while. Right, Fei?'

'Yeah. Sturdy. What about other one?'

'I'll take a look around. If he's nearby I'll grab him and bring him back,' Phinks said, heading to the door to the stairs leading up into the house. 'What about her?' He nodded toward the girl. 'I guess you don't want an audience.'

'No,' you shook your head, you didn't want an audience, and you were certain Fei didn't either. And she'd seen and endured enough. 'Could one of you take her home? Or drop her off at the police or a hospital or something?'

'And miss all the fun?' Shalnark complained, but then he nodded, a smile back on his face. 'Sure, I'll take the car and then come and pick you up. Should be back in time to see whatever grand finale Fei's got planned.'

'You're terrible. But thank you,' you smiled at him. 'You too, Phinks. I hope you find the other guy. I'd hate for him to continue their little setup at a new place...'

'I hope so too. With a little luck, he's holed up somewhere close by and easy to find.'

'Why not use en? Should make locating him easier,' you suggested, and he nodded.

'Guess I can try.'

'Too bad your en is shit,' Feitan pointed out and Phinks turned to him with a slightly exaggerated offended look on his face.

'Hey, just because I tend to get distracted using en around people doesn't mean you get to call it shit.'

'Shit,' Fei grinned. 'But you try anyway.'

'Very funny,' Phinks grunted, then he looked around the room. 'Well, I guess I can take my time. You've got everything under control here, right?'

'Of course.' Fei nodded and even though you didn't feel in control of anything at the moment, you did the same.

'Take care now.' It was such an inadequate thing to say but it was all you could think of as Shal picked up the girl. At first she was a bit skittish when he picked her up, but she quickly relaxed and even gave you a brave little wave as he carried her up the stairs, closely followed by Phinks.

Once they were out of sight a strange mixture of calm, dread, and anticipation filled you as you thought about what Fei, and you, had come here to do. An odd, but somehow familiar sound made you turn around. Fei was humming. Rather badly and out of tune, but surprisingly charming. You smiled, some of the tension in your chest loosening as you listened to him. There was such a calm, almost happy energy radiating off him as he double-checked the bindings that kept Reggie's body firmly fixed to the table.

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Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora