Chapter 5 Episode 5

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Autobot base, omega 1

Optimus continued the explanation from where Y/N left off.

Optimus: We cannot allow Megatron to send dark energon through the space bridge, If we fail, the dead on Cybertron will rise and swarm every opposing planet that stands in the way of Megatron. Bending them all to his twisted rule.

Near a very familiar burger joint.

Jack parked his bike on a bike stand, slowly getting off, but immediately after he was surprised by an engine roaring behind him.

When Jack turned around he saw a familiar car and a familiar motorcycle.

Arcee: Nice bike.

Y/N: It has a lot of character.

Jack just sighed.

Jack: Oh Arcee and Y/N, Miko already tried. Tell Optimus I respect him big time, but if you are at war with Decepticons There is nothing I can do to help.

Y/N: Too bad Jack, Cons already saw you on their Turf, and you have officially become a target, congrats, now your best option is to stick to the big guys and hope we win.

Arcee then slightly rammed into Y/N.

Arcee: Jack, Optimus did not send us, and no one is asking for your help.

Jack: Okay, so if we both agree that I'm not a warrior material I...

Arcee: Jack, I just lost someone I care about, maybe it's the grief talking, maybe you are growing on me. Whatever it is, I'm just not ready to say goodbye.

Jack: I mean Y/N returned for you...

Y/N: Jack... Don't push it, you heard the lady, get on and let's go.

Autobot base, omega 1

Ratchet turned to Optimus after furiously typing into his console.

Ratchet: Optimus, I have pinpointed the location of Megatron's space bridge. High in Earth's orbit.

Optimus: Are you sure Ratchet, surely Y/N would have noticed it when flying towards Earth.

Ratchet: I'm certain, Y/N has granted access to his ship and its small workshop/lab so I pulled some flight logs from the last flightpath to Earth, and that is how I managed to detect the space bridge. Y/N might have been concentrating on something else, that is why he did not see it.

Optimus: Even if so, it is still out of our reach.

Miko: Okay, so you guys don't fly, but can't you just ground bridge there or use Y/N's spaceship that I would love to see?

Ratchet sighed.

Ratchet: It's called a ground bridge, it has limited range and if we stretched its capabilities, it could snap and scatter us along the stars... And for Y/N's ship, conserving energon to run it is important, and risking losing it is too, not to mention that it could probably only carry 3 of us at one time, including the pilot, and the ride would be very uncomfortable for everyone except the pilot.

Optimus: Since Megatron is likely already in transit, I'm afraid we must take one of the risks. Reaching the space bridge first is our only means of stopping him.

Then a horn from the entrance of the base could be heard and Y/N, Arcee, and Jack who was on her back came rolling out. After stopping, Jack got off with a surprisingly good attitude.

Jack: Hey, guess who's back?

Optimus: Autobots, prepare for departure.

Y/N, Arcee: Where to?

Transformers Prime: Tale of 2 sparkmates (Male Cybertronian reader x Arcee)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें