Chapter 33

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*Belle's POV*

I have never felt this in love, ever. The love I have for Noah and with Noah I didn't imagine possible. It feels as though I have my own storybook kind of love. He makes love so easy. I didn't realise just how much love I lacked in my life, both giving and receiving, until I fell in love with Noah. He makes me laugh, he comforts me, he surprises me constantly and he makes me feel safe - safe enough that I slept for 15 FUCKING HOURS. He is truly remarkable and I am so grateful to have him in my life.

Noah and I spent the majority of the next day skiing again. I was excited to wear our matching ski outfits again. Whilst we weren't outwardly matching, something about having his initials stitched in the pocket above my heart melted me. It comforted me. It felt like my own little secret to keep. Is this what giddy and excited feel like?

We tried our hands at snowboarding. I fell over here and there, cracked a few bones that definitely should not crack at my age but managed to slide down a hill twice in a row without tumbling. Noah, on the other hand, the bloody show off. He took off down the hill like it was nothing from the beginning, just like yesterday. He left me behind, blowing me a cheeky kiss as he fluttered his way down. I shook my head and concentrated on not shattering my wrists and ankles. He swears he's never snowboarded before but I think he's lying. He can't help but smile when he lies; it's his little tell.

Besides the balance I seem to lack on the snow, I was surprisingly good at ice skating. I was a little uneasy at first but got the hang of it fairly quickly. I enjoyed the feeling of gliding so effortlessly. I had a soft breeze in my hair. I felt free. I'm so used to being trapped; trapped in either my uniform, my heavy structure gear with my air tank and mask or even just in my office, but this wind in my hair made me feel free. I didn't know I was missing out until I experienced the feeling. The cold breeze on my nose felt so much better than the heat of a fire draining the moisture from my skin. I skated around the ice rink mindlessly, lost in my own little world, soaking up the rich feeling which I know won't last long.

Noah however, struggled, alot. He was white knuckling the wall and slipping a lot. He was frustrated and in a frenzy; this being the first thing he's struggled with all weekend. My first lap around the rink I blew him a cheeky kiss, "You got this babe!" I cheered to him as he did to me previously. I was met with a glare but his smile poked through again. I eventually joined him.

"Babe, stop, calm down and reset. You can get this" I said to him as I picked up his arm to help him balance.

"Wow this is a lot more embarrassing than I thought. I'm sorry I laughed at you" he chuckled. Noah focused on regaining his balance and we began to move forward. He held onto the wall and onto my arms and before long we gained momentum and completed two laps around the rink.

"Belle don't you dare -"

"Keep going" I said as I let go of his side. Noah continued forth with the little momentum we created and I followed beside to catch him in case he fell.

After a while Noah got the hang of ice skating also. The other people had left the rink and we were left to skate on our own. He linked our arms together (I think out of fear but disguised as romantic) and we drifted along the ice in simple bliss. I experienced a whole new feeling of freedom and the breeze in our hair felt even more magical.

My heart glowed and my face wore the biggest smile. I looked up to him and was met with a golden smile and a shimmer in his eyes already looking down at me. I've noticed a glimmer in his eyes appear more frequently. I've seen his smile on display more often and for longer. He still gives me butterflies. I'm so glad I didn't let him go.

I unlinked our arms for a moment so that I could adjust my jacket. "Oh shit!" Noah gasps before ploughing himself straight into the barrier and landing with a solid thud. He didn't turn the corner properly. I rushed over to him and helped him up. The barrier was at his rib cage height and he kind of fell over the top of it.

Heart on Fire | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now