Chapter 6

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Today was the day. Today was it. I've been psyching myself up for weeks, well since she pulled me out of my car wreck. I've paced back and forth for hours talking myself through the process. I've kept myself awake at night too anxious and excited for this day. I've planned out every word, every moment and even planned out every moment of our first date. I've planned out every possible scenario and every possible response to every scenario. Heck, I've even tried to plan out how I'm going to work through being let down, but it hasn't gone well. Today is the day I'm going to ask Belle out on a date.

Belle returned to work a week ago and has been greeted graciously by her peers. Her absence was very apparent. I was walking past her station the morning of her arrival back to work and saw how her coworkers welcomed her back to work. They hugged her tightly and helped her bring her gear inside. It was astonishing to see how well received she is despite being someone of authority.

I had met her in the coffee shop a handful of times since her return and have finally had some meaningful conversations with her that didn't surround my accident and the death of a four year old boy. Belle did apologise for crying into my arms like 'a total weirdo' but I shrugged her off, assuring her it was the least I could do since she pulled me from my car. I learned that Belle is most definitely a Senior Deputy Captain, although some of her colleagues believe she should be and will be Captain in the next 6 months when their current captain, Captain Daniel Mcintosh, is set to be promoted into some management role thats higher up, I can't quite remember what it was called. I was honestly super excited for her and her peers shared that same excitement. They all mentioned how well she guides their team and how her leadership allows them to become better firefighters.

I also learned that Belle had dreams of becoming a paramedic originally because her dad was one, but fell in love with firefighting when her childhood home was destroyed by fire. She told me she was able to explain to a firefighter exactly where her Dad was trapped inside and he was able to be rescued before the building collapsed. Her Dad still lives today.

I was super nervous about asking Belle on date, not only because asking someone on a date is nerve wracking in itself, but because some part of me felt inferior to her. She was this fearless, beautiful heroine and I was this aspiring musician who had recently left a traumatic relationship. She saved lives and risked her own for a living and I just want to sing to people. As the kids would say, 'she's so out of your league'.

I timed my arrival to the coffee shop to be a moment before Belle would normally arrive before her shift. I wanted to be a spot in front of her so that I could turn around and offer to buy her coffee and be the one to hand it to her. I would learn her coffee order for sure although Belle has mentioned her order changes depending on her shifts and how hard the week has been. The stronger the coffee, the more stressful the work has been. And my plan worked out way too perfectly.

Belle walked into the coffee shop and stood right behind me. "Good morning Belle '' I greeted her in the best normal, non anxiety laced voice I could muster. My bones began to weaken and my palms began to sweat, not to mention the throbbing of my heart into my throat. The moment I have dreamed of for so long was finally in motion.

"Good morning, Noah" Belle greeted me with a smile. That smile really cemented why I was so eager to ask her out. "How are you today?" she asks nicely.

I slicked back my hair, "I'm pretty good for a Friday morning. And how is Senior Deputy Belle?" I ask foolishly. I earned a small giggle from Belle that made my heart flutter.

"Oh my gosh Noah, please just call me Belle" she laughs. "But yes, I am also pretty good for a Friday morning" she responds.

I was next in line to order my coffee. "I'll have a large cappuccino with one sugar please, and Belle?" I turned to her, who immediately refused my offer but soon politely accepted.

Heart on Fire | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now