Chapter 26

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"Do you ever dream of getting married?" I asked her as we lay lazily in our backyard upon blankets in the grass. The moonlight beamed down on us, giving her a glow I'd never get tired of seeing. I enjoy our time here.

We came out to stargaze. I don't care much for staring at the stars, but anytime I got to spend with her I intended to seize, even if it meant staring at her beauty as she explored the wilderness above.

"I don't think either of our lives are compatible with marriage" she laughs as the soft breeze carries her words across the yard. "We wouldn't have a proper marriage".

I turned onto my side to face her. The moonlight blocked out her face, but I knew the beauty that lay before me. I didn't need to see her eyes to know they were the colour of tropical oceans that would sometimes turn grey. I didn't need the moonlight to highlight just how beautiful her smile was and how her cheekbones were just poking through. I knew her blonde locks were fluttering softly in the spring air.

"I don't recall anyone ever defining the meaning of a proper marriage" I smile and reach out my hand to stroke her cheek. "We can always define marriage however we please".

She smiles into her shoulder, attempting to hide the blush but the silver rays highlight her cheeks. Oh how her smiles invigorated my senses.

"I fall in love with you even more every second I have my eyes on you, you know that right?" I said to her as I lifted her chin. I bring her face up to meet her ocean eyes. My heart truly fluttered every time I saw them. "Cross my heart and hope to die. I'll marry you one day, i'm sure of it"


I woke to the sound of my phone ringing beside my face on my pillow. It vibrated on my nose and caused me to jump and knock my head on the bunk above. I answered it in a hurry. My eyes were too dizzy to see who was calling. "Belle, oh my god Belle is that you?"

The deep voice on the other end of the phone laughed, "Uh sorry nope" they laughed again. "It's just me, Connor. Sorry I'm not the one you were expecting".

I rubbed my face and internally cursed myself for being such an idiot. "Oh hey Connor. What's going on?" I ask as I attempt to steady my eyes. I think I'm still drunk or just very hungover.

"Well I came over to your house to surprise you but you're not here. Where are you?" he asked, sounding a little disappointed. There was another voice in the background.

I looked out the window. "Uh, looks like I'm not far from San Diego. We're out on tour at the moment" I explained. Connor lets out a soft sigh and the other voice in the background tells him we'll see him another day. "What are you doing at my house anyway? And who's with you?"

I could hear him smile through the phone. "I uh, just have someone I wanted you to meet".

I apologised to Connor and told him I'll be home in a week's time. I promised Connor I would meet them as soon as I got home and we would work out the finer details closer to then. I knew how much this meant to my brother and honestly I felt a little emotional that he came to me with his new boyfriend. I haven't been the best at maintaining the relationship I have with him, but I knew the love was there. I wish I could be a little bit more like him. I couldn't even maintain the relationship I had with Belle.

I ended the phone call and reluctantly crawled out from my bunk, hissing at the sunlight that beamed through the tinted windows. Belle was still on my brain. I'd spent most of my night pondering if I should try to call her again. I haven't heard from her in over a week and it was killing me. I felt so sick the last few days and all I craved was her presence, her touch, her love. I haven't been myself and trying to keep myself numb was making me sick. Numbing one kind of pain gave way for another kind of pain to flourish.

Heart on Fire | Noah Sebastianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें