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 I didn't have anything to pack. I had no real possessions I had brought with me; I never had anything of value that was important enough to carry with me everywhere. I was free to go wherever I pleased. I could let the wind guide me to my next destination if I wanted. But I didn't.

I had made my way back to the camp, and as I looked around to ensure that I hadn't caused anyone to stir, I wondered where I was to go. I had no place to reside. Would another faction accept me as one of their own? No, factions were divided by power—no one would allow me into their ranks. Could I return to the Haven and make my presence unknown? No, too many people had seen me when I left with Atlaster. Going there unnoticed would be impossible.

So where was I to go? I didn't know.

Just as I was about to leave, regardless of where I was to venture to, a voice called out from behind me, "What do you think you're doing?" I turned around to face Atlaster, his arms folded and hair disheveled. While it seemed that he had just risen, he didn't appear to be tired in the slightest.

"I'm..." I debated telling him. Would he try to change my mind? I decided it would be best to evade the question. "Why are you up?"

He scoffed, "I went through fifteen years of military training. I'm awake while I'm sleeping. Now answer my question." He approached me slowly, and I stepped back. He looked almost hurt at my actions, his brows furrowed and lips turned down.

"Why should I?" I retorted. My words came out harsher than anticipated, and even I seemed shocked at my jarring tone.

"You're trying to leave, aren't you?" Atlaster spoke slowly, but as he began to absorb the words, his timbre met mine. "You're leaving, even after everything." It wasn't even a question at this point; he had confirmed my intentions, and all I could do was nod.

"I can't stay here, Atlaster, I—"

"Why can't you, Eralyn?" he interrupted. I had never heard him sound so urgent and angered.

"Because I just can't!" I shouted. He looked around and I realized that I would have to remain quieter to prevent members of the camp from waking up to our quarrel. "Do I need a reason? Do I owe it to you to let you know?"

"Yes!" he exclaimed, running his fingers through the messy tufts atop his head. "If anyone deserves an explanation, it's me! I've followed you through everything, so why are you just abandoning me now?"

"That's the problem, Atlaster." I spoke his name like a curse seeping from my tongue. Everything about this interaction was cruel and uncalled for, yet I didn't care if it made him hate me. At least then he would let me go. "You just sacrifice everything for me! What about you, huh? What about all that you left, what about everything you love?"

"What if everything I love is with you, Eralyn?" The words slipped from his mouth, and the moment they left, I froze. What did he just... I looked at him, silently stunned by his partial confession. He rubbed a hand over his face, hiding the pained look that rested below. His gaze refused to meet mine, as his eyes flickered over every little detail to avoid my confused glare.

"What?" I whispered after a moment. He sighed, a small smile resting on his lips, almost out of what seemed to be pity.

"You just don't get it, do you? I have no regard for whatever insane plan you request I follow you into. Even if it means venturing to the end of the planet, even if it means discovering another universe, I will follow you. If I left you, I would be leaving the very thing, the very person I love the most. I can't do that, Eralyn."

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