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Hey guys. Today was pretty nerve racking. I had the science fair! It went really well. The guys who judged me and Oreo was like 7ft, he was scary. I had to look up at him. But River was pretty good at the science fair project. He and I helped each other out with fighting for my cookies on my project. QUICK NOTE I WILL BE CALLING RIVER RAEBIN NOW!!!!!!!!!!

I found out that Kara the lesbian stopped liking me, YAS! But she likes Jora now. Jora is a close friend of mine. And I can't let her go down the path my aunt did. My aunt was lesbian and now she is married to a trans man. I'm destroyed. I was crushed. She was my role model. I'm so mad. I can't believe her. ALso I have two friends that are always fighting it's getting on my nerves like I care about them both very much but still. I don't know how to break it to them that it's getting on my nerves. But I gotta find some way.

Well I gotta go. time for my favorite basketball game.

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