A Znakhar's Words

Start from the beginning

The Elder did not seem offended nor worried by the brutal honesty that Tyrik had displayed while Ezekiel questioned the actions of his draconian friend. Yet, it seemed as if he was far more impressed by the wariness that came from Tyrik. “So you can feel my Mana young one. Even with how inexperienced with The Forces of Mana and Arcane that you are.” The Elder remarked as he walked with the pair, guiding them both to a pre-chosen location. “My name is one that very few know. During the Second Age, I was feared by all forms of life. Mythics, Divine, and most of all other Humans had quivered in terror at the very mention of my name. But now…” He spoke while remembering the time when those cowards were in his presence before growing angered with how things are, “I am forced to keep my presence hidden from enemies that would do anything to see me reduced to their plaything for endless torture…” Both pure rage and yet more utter fear came from his voice as he spoke these words. The aura of pure terror that came from the spoken words seemed to resonate that what he feared was far worse than any night terror that the two would ever experience. “If I were to tell you both my name, it would be best that you keep it secret. What seeks to destroy me is far greater than what you could ever imagine… For I am Koschei the Deathless.” Koschei told the two while he emphasized the importance of keeping his existence discrete.

Ezekiel’s eyes widened with pure shock to learn of the old man’s name and his jaw dropped. “I thought you were just a fairytale! Even to my realm.” The words of Ezekiel left Tyrik confused by the claim.

‘How could a story of Slavic Origin be considered a mere fairytale when it was clear that Mythology was historical fact rather than a made-up tale to explain the unexplainable in ancient times?’ Tyrik questioned in disbelief as he looked over both Ezekiel and this self-proclaimed Koschei. “I am a bit rusty on Slavic Legend, but who is Koschei and more importantly… Why are you surprised that he is real, Ezekiel?” Inquired The Draconian as he tried to wrap his head around the current set of events.

Koschei chuckled as the two came into a clearing within the forest close to Xaupun. Flicking his right wrist, they were transported to a room within a stone tower within frozen woodlands. “There… We should be out of any prying eyes…” He announced with relief before turning to the duo. “There is much that you will have to learn about the reality of the world you have come to know, Tyrik Kage,” Koschei advised as he walked towards a workbench within the room. “My name is believed to be a simple fable because of the actions of those who tried to rewrite the events of the past. Done out of fear, but that is not why I have sought you out Tyrik…” Koschei spoke as he forced them to focus on the point and not diverge any further. 

“You have my attention. Why do you want to talk with me?” Replied Tyrik while crossing his arms and began to observe The Deathless keenly. 

Satisfied by the response, Koschei continued to the point. “I know who has captured your mother and the Schween Woman’s sister. I know why and I have an idea of where you should focus the search.” He told Tyrik as he was left stunned before his expression shifted into a degree of Rage. 

“Why have you decided NOW to come forth about this information exactly?” Was the simple question Tyrik had as a soft snarl came from his mouth and bolts of lightning sparked in his hands, rage boiling outwards as he approached Koschei. Ezekiel quickly put his hand on Tyrik’s shoulder to hold him back and calm his nerves before things could break out into a fight.

“Because I want you to understand what you will come to face if you choose to attack The Cult head-on. They have kept their existence hidden from moronic Divine that has done all they can to keep the idea of their ancient enemy coming back.” The Deathless spat with venomous words as if he knew the type of actions Tyrik would have taken if he knew where to go immediately. “Go in without a plan and you will be destroyed by The Cult.” He declared with a hand chopping the air.

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow at a repeated word used by Koschei. “What do you mean by a cult?” He questioned as now even The Dökkálfar wanted answers about what was being implied by Koschei.

Koschei took a moment to pause and evaluate his next words due to what he knew about this particular group. The information that he knew about the hidden group and the dark forces they had access to. “My true history beyond the stories that The Ethereal Council has told… What my history tells about the stepping stones of a dark force that will return, one that many Second Generation Divines have grown corrupt due to fear of another rise with that amount of power… The group is ancient, lived alongside Midgard yet are clever enough to remain hidden from even Heimdall’s sight.” He said with the cautious selection of each word Koschei spoke, “The Council will never accept the truth about who will be returning and what this Cult has set into motion slowly over time. That is why both Washta and Amari were captured. I set in motion the slim chance for this group to be found, yet they are too careful, too cautious, too clever to allow a simple starting reporter nor a private investigator to reveal the truth…” He continued with the desperation evident all over his demeanor, “They are setting in motion a war that will consume all sides and realms. They are so close to achieving their goal…” He announced with dread and hopelessness.

Tyrik did not understand what Koschei was trying to say, but he was able to understand that it was not something he could just say aloud in plain words. “I understand… Where should I go? I can’t allow them to keep my mother and Washta’s sister captive.” He pleaded calmly and compassionately. “Please tell me where I should start looking,” Tyrik asked again with a hand held out.

Koschei refused to take the offered hand, knowing better. “Huron-Manistee Forest. The Facility is under White Star’s ownership. Best to see if you can get your Inferno Rival to get you inside, Secretly. The CEO is not entirely himself.” With that final statement of caution, the pair was returned to their reality and left in confusion.

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