Mafia Negotiations

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Tyrik, Washta, Judy, Esmeralda, Red Son, and Ricky were all being held inside of a cell with the design akin to what was used within the seventh century of China's history. Though, it was far more advanced in the technological department due to modern technology. Thankfully, it was somewhat lacking in the magic department. It didn't help, however, that those with abilities were wearing a collar that had disabled most of their magical and genetic abilities. The cell was dead silent due to a degree of burning rage mixed with utter confusion. Making the atmosphere quite tense and very unpleasant as those who were confused by their situation, being Judy and Washta, darted their eyes rapidly to view the others trapped. Soon, Washta decided to break this awkward silence by asking the question on everyone's mind. "Ricky... What the hell is your beef with this girl? Also, why does it feel like we are being held by a major mafia family?" The Shawnee Woman asked with a nervous tone and hand gestures to match this.

Ricky was dead silent as he did not want to explain his predicament to the others. It was a bit of an embarrassing part of his past that the Kapre would rather not go into. Yet, Tyrik was quick to go against this petty desire of his closest friend as he began to speak for Ricky. "Answer is simple... It's his spoiled brat of an ex-girlfriend..." He explained while glaring his eyes at Ricky as he laughed nervously, "I know that I can sometimes say things I shouldn't. Though, Ricky is a bit more problematic at that. Even getting to the point where he ends up digging himself into a deeper hole in an attempt to 'correct his words'... Making everything worse..." Tyrik finished as he slumped back against the stone wall while crossing his arms in frustration.

"And it just so happens he dated the daughter of The Triad Syndicate?!" Red Son questioned in a mix of fury and utter disbelief, "One of the most powerful criminal families of both China as well as The Jade Realm?! A Kapre?" The Bull Demon reiterated as he flung his hand towards Ricky, who was very much offended by Red's words. "What did this girl see appealing in the Smoking Trickster Gorillas!?" He shouted in fury.

"Fuck you too..." Remarked Ricky with narrowed eyes. Very much left bitter at the statement.

"At Least I Don't Smell Like A Walking Ashtray!" Red Son retorted with a raging roar and snorted to intimidate Ricky. If he still had access to his Mana, Red Son's hair would of bursted into flames.

"Has a point there..." Tyrik muttered under his breath while scratching his cheek.

Ricky's eye twitched in a bit of irritation as Tyrik failed to keep his words quiet enough to miss the Kapre's ear. "Seriously!? Who's side are you on?!" Ricky shouted aloud as he tossed his arms into the air.

"Can you stop acting like children already?" Proclaimed Esmeralda as she was starting to have enough of the bickering that was occurring between everyone at the moment. "Seriously, we're all pretty much adults yet most of you sound like toddlers arguing about some dumb toy." The Dark Elf stated as things just made it go into a verbal brawl as Judy rolled her eyes. Deciding she had enough of the screaming match, she began to work on her restraints with a bobby pin and paper clip. As the shouting between everyone kept on going on, even frustrating the Garuda Guards on their post as they had to endure this scene. Judy swiftly was able to unlock the collar then her restraints without anyone noticing. Once they were off, Judy rushed over to the prison door and worked on the door's lock. Washta quickly caught a glance of the three-tail kitsune working on the lock with amazement as the other four kept barking with each other to a mix of their own frustrations as well as they shouting between each just adding more fuel to that fire. Once the lock was opened, the sound of it opening grabbed everyone's attention on the spot.

Upon hearing this sound, both Garuda Guards readied their weapons and charged after Judy. Though, the sly fox was quick to react as she used the very door of the cell to knock both of the guards unconscious with a heavy swing of the door. "You guys done with your little screaming match or do you want to keep going?" Judy remarked with a cocked eyebrow as the two birds laid on the ground in comedic positions after being hit by a heavy metal door.

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