History of Realms

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To say that Anthony was having a rough time wrapping his scientific mind around the fact that monsters, gods, and even other worlds existed was an understatement of his current condition. Being thrust into this new side of the world at such a rapid pace was getting to the point of being overwhelming despite how he was able to portray himself for his sister, Luna. "On the verge of a panic attack yet, Anthony?" Luna began as she tilted her head to face him with a cocked eyebrow. She already had her fair share of having her perception of reality utterly shattered. Luna was managing to compose herself, or at least mostly. "I won't judge if you start having a mental breakdown... But I may definitely take the chance to make some perfect blackmail material to have on hand later." She remarked with a devious grin while Luna took her phone to record.

However, with a small movement of Zeus' hand, the mobile device began to be overloaded with massive amounts of electrical energy and even burst into pieces as she yelled out in pain due to this. "We would prefer that you did not make any form of recording while you're in Asgard..." The Olympian declared before Horus used his elbow to jab at him. At that moment, both Aker and Olympian locked eyes, yet Zeus saw a hidden gesture behind Horus' empowered glare. With that, Zeus let out a heavy sigh and used his Mana to repair Luna's phone. "Sorry for my brashness, but I would insist that you don't make any recordings while you are here." He rephrased with a minor annoyed sigh as Falcon Aker rolled his eyes in response to Zeus' angered glance.

Once this had concluded, both Anthony and Luna shared a small glance to express their shared confusion about what had just transpired. "Listen here, Humines." Shouted Lin as he rested The Ruyi Jingu Bang upon his right shoulder, "There is a reason why the majority of humans are ignorant to The Mythic Side of Things. It would be best that you helped with keeping that ignorance up." He explained with a hint of a hidden threat behind his words. The two took a few moments to consider the meaning behind Lin's threatening advice and came to understand the need to keep this a secret. However, Anthony felt that a question should be asked in response.

"How much longer do you guys think that you can keep that facade up, though?" The Tech Prodigy asked with genuine concern and a hint of curiosity. "After all, Sixer over there has mentioned that human companies like my family's tech company have been making that difficult. Guess it has to do with how these Arcane Crystals are literally crystallized magic and can be used as an energy resource." Anthony pressed further as everyone came to a stop. "And knowing the... Flaws of Humanity, to put it lightly, would eventually start to seek out more of these. It doesn't help that a single crystal alone has enough power to keep a city like Maimi or New York City powered up for a good long while." He continued while making sure to select each word carefully as Anthony knew the power that most of them had could wipe him from existence. "Not just that. The implications on what can be made possible with these are nearly limitless." Anthony concluded as Luna was very much frightened for his safety among these literal gods.

"Valid question, Anthony." Set announced as he crossed his arms with a heavy sigh, "Truth is... We don't know. Yet it is in everyone's best interest that we don't force what The Ethereal Council has dubbed as The Shattering of The Veil. In a way, having Humanity doing that on their own, regardless of whether it is through violence or not, is the safest way to go about this." He continued as Set recalled the words of Moros on the subject matter. "Humans need to discover things like this on their own collectively or else they'll panic and attack anything that is perceived to be a threat to them." The Aker of Sand answered with a sense of dread in his voice despite the wisdom that he shared.

Anthony thought about these words as they further ventured through the City of Asgard. Both Luna and Anthony were surprised to learn that Asgard was not what Marvel had depicted within their Cinematic Universe nor what they knew about The Realm from true Norse Mythology. Unlike both MCU and Norse Myth, Asgard wasn't a singular place only belonging to The Aesir. Nor a floating city within the vastness of space, but just a floating island above an entire planet where many species of the Norse Myths lived and traded. Across the city, the duo saw Elves, Dwarves, Giants, Aesir, Vanir, and other beings from other myths among the populace. "So... Asgard isn't just for guys like Odin?" Asked Luna in confusion as Horus decided to take the lead this time.

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