Ensuing Strifes

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Before the main headquarters of The White Star Corporation, Bethany drove up in her Aston Martin DB11 as she took a second to examine the building before exiting her vehicle. Readjusting her glasses as a valet worker made their way over swiftly along with White Star Security Agents. As Bethany handed over her keys to the valet worker, the Security Agent looked her over for a few seconds. “Hello, Miss Burton. Mister Lithson has been awaiting your arrival. Please come with me and I shall escort you to The CEO.” The Agent explained while making a hand gesture for her to follow. Making a small smile, The Cryptrix Energy CEO walked behind her escort. Bethany observed her surroundings within the building and saw many workers going about their business. From providing a tour for college students, checking in or out from their shifts, and other elements one would expect from a megacorporation like this. 

“Seems like Straxus Lithson has been keeping things busy since their little discovery within The Temple of Edfu, hmm? I have to be somewhat surprised that he was able to find an unexplored, and even secret, region deep within.” She praised while twirling her hand in the air, displaying a sense of charisma with her words. However, Bethany was a bit curious as to how this region had been hidden so well and how Straxus had come to learn about such a secret. “Has he ever brought up how he uncovered this massive storage of Arcane Crystals?” Her eagerness to learn the secret, was evident within her voice as it was accompanied by a raised eyebrow. The Agent did not respond to her question which led her to be frustrated with her escort. “Fine… Be such a buzzkill if that is what you want…” Bethany declared with an eye-roll and crossed arms.

The two soon entered Straxus’ personal elevator within his building to make their way to his office. Bethany pulled out her phone to keep herself entertained as the elevator made its way upwards, leaning against the wall with a sassy demeanor and scowl on her face. The Agent did not care much about her displeasure and boredom. After all, he wasn’t being paid to entertain this woman who has been under a few investigations by federal groups like The FBI. Yet, he could not understand why and how these investigations were not only dismissed but how such a woman like her was dedicated to The Porphyry Philosophy. What he did know about this Philosophy, from the public announcement that often accompanies commercials which praises The Cryptrix Energy had explained to be the idea that what we should devote ourselves to is creating things that make more of us. However, those same commercials also have her addressing other factors to Bethany’s perspective on The Porphyry Philosophy to express how her company achieves this. The Cryptrix Energy company specializes in the advancement of science, genetics, and technology with the ideals of Ontogeny and Futurism as guiding principles for Bethany’s view on Porphyry.

However… These very ideals have led to claims of extremely inhumane methods that the company uses to achieve this goal. The stories from those who have spoken about this… They were not for the faint of heart as they entail very, very gruesome deaths of individuals subjected to her experiments. As these thoughts went through The Agent’s mind, Bethany lifted her orange eyes from the screen of her smartphone to examine him. “Let me guess, Agent Kenndy. Wondering how there are so many claims of ‘crimes against humanity’ against my company?” She questioned as if she had encountered it many times over. “Most people already have a subconscious bias towards a very successful woman being a CEO. Heck,” She went on as Bethany stood up straight as her phone dangled within her hand to add to her speech, “I think the Gibbs family have also endured such subconscious bias as they are a family of African Americans that own the most advanced tech companies known to the world.” Bethany declared as Agent Simmons was a bit shocked by her words. “Unfortunately, that is the mindset in place by the very American Capitalist System rooted in the very nation. Personally, I don’t really give a damn about that nor the biased ideals created by the idiotic view that only white Christian men can have power. Power in the form of either money, fame, or politics. I played the game and won in my own right.” Bethany declared with a prideful grin on her face as her eyes narrowed on the Agent. Feeling a tension created by her gaze alone to the point he felt intimidated by Bethany’s display of beauty and pride. Her chosen business suit and skirt highlighted her curvaceous and toned figure perfectly. Allowing Bethany’s actions to display the pride and power she held within her hands. “Plus, I will keep on winning as I help Humanity grow into something greater that we will be the ones to bend The Laws of Physics to OUR will.” She vowed as the elevator stopped at the floor of Straxus’ office. 

The Flow of Arcane: New Legends ArisesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin