Inner Dealings & Bounty Collectors

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Among the many patrons of The Dungeon Keeper’s Inn, Theo was in the middle of a conversation with two members of The Ulster House. This family was a very powerful group within The Mythic Underground as one of their most iconic members was Cú Chulainn who is best summarized as Celtic Mythology’s version of The Hulk. Two of their selected Representatives sent to The Inn were a Druid Woman, having a body build akin to an MMA Fighter with tattoos of Celtic Origin. Her hair was an Ashburn red and her chosen outfit consisted of a basic t-shirt, light tan cargo trousers, a black jacket, and thick combat boots. The woman’s hair was styled with Celtic Knot Braids, clearly to allow her to keep her long hair without becoming a hindrance in battle. With her was another Druid, yet he was a guy with a bodybuilder physique. A jean vest with both sleeves torn off to show his muscular body and common pants to accompany his outfit. His hair color was a dark brown and his hairstyle was similar to a Celtic Beard Braid. The type of demeanor was clearly a sort of “More Bark than Bite” in comparison to the woman next to him. Though, it was debatable if this was a form of a bluff rather than fact. Theo didn’t want to test that theory since the business was the forefront matter currently. Their exchange was regarding the purchase of products from The Nirvana Realm as well as the transportation of items. “Did your supplies reach you safely?” Began the Cyclops as he swirled his drink within the wooden mug worry in his eyes. “Keeping Midgardians ignorant has been getting harder and harder these days. No telling how long that is gonna last with Arcane Crystals being reintegrated into their day-to-day lives…” Theo lamented with a long drink of the ale in his mug.

The male Druid chuckled a little at this, nodding in agreement to the sentiment as he began to speak with a Scottish accent. “I can assure you that we managed to obtain our supplies in mint condition, Mister Nicolatis.” He confirmed with a small raise of his mug, “The Mandulis Gems and other essentials all made it. Have to admit that your services are one of the best around.” The Druid praised with a satisfied smile, relieving Theo from the worry of unintentionally unveiling The Mythic Underground to Midgardians.

“That’s good to hear. Some of the other groups, both outside and inside of The Council’s jurisdiction, are having a lot more trouble these days thanks to big corporations like White Star and Cryptrix Energy…” Replied Theo as both of Ulster Druids nodded in agreement.

“Not to mention the bounty on The Dark Elf Princess creating more wildfire for everyone…” Added the Druid woman with her own Scottish Accent. “Surprised that she has managed to stay alive this long with hunters like June Malbec and Ruhak on her… Those two are some of the best hunters out there based on the rumors we have heard about them.” She finished while taking a bite out of the meal that she had ordered earlier. Plus they were the two known hunters on Esmeralda’s trail at the moment and who was to know who else would pick up the pursuit.

“Yeah… That’s fair. Thankfully, Esmeralda has a good account of allies with her, unlike her mother.” Theo remarked as he leaned on his left arm, “If that is all. I think that payment is due for our service.” The Cyclops declared with a stone-cold tone and an awaiting expression on his face. Upon this statement, the Druid woman reached into her trousers to pull out a small bag of several Drachma, Yuanbao, and Rūpya coins within. Theo made sure to examine the contents within it as a precaution against potential scammers. Yet as The Ulster Druids began to get up from the table to leave, Theo realized that the count was a few Yuanbao off. “Sit back down… If I remember correctly, we agree to a payment of a total of five thousand, three hundred, and fifty…”  Declared the Cyclops with a stern glare filled with irritation, “Now unless you are lying about all of the products getting to you and can provide proof of this. This is two Drachma short of our agreed pricing.”

With this, both Druids sat back down with the man scoffed. He was amused that the chubby Cyclops had a bit of a backbone. Now the pair wanted to see how much it would take to bend, or even break, it. The Druids began to subtly display their Mana through the various tattoos adorning their bodies as they both took their seats, making sure to not alter the unexpecting Midgardians throughout The Inn to their presence. Yet, this small display was enough to get Theo to flinch as he was more of a crafter than a fighter in comparison to the Druid duo across from him. “Well, I wasn’t lying about all of the shipment getting to us. However, it seems like you’re not the only people we can get wares from the other Realms without detection. Even better, without the knowledge of The Ethereal Council.” The male Druid declared with a smudged smirk as he looked into his mug to see if there was any more ale within it. “One such example, who seems to be offering a far lower pricing, is The Cloudius Gang. Henceforth, what we gave you is the new value of your wares and service.”

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