A Time to Hang Out

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It took some time for Tyrik, Ricky, and Esmeralda to recover from their little incident with Tyrik’s now probably crazy ex-girlfriend. Though, unknown to them as well as Judy Joyce and Kathleen. Washta was looking into potential places for herself and more importantly, her new friends to have time away from the chaos. Even though she wasn’t exactly in an area that welcomed her as most of the Mythics actually were afraid of her. Washta, with some help from Red Son, was able to find a nightclub that would give everyone a much-needed break and just have some fun. However, Red Son had to do some convincing to keep Washta from buying entry tickets an exotic one due to Tyrik. Red Son had already figured that Tyrik wasn’t someone who would be into a place that was over the top but would settle for a place where he could game, eat, and possibly dance too. “Thanks for helping me with this, Reddy.” Washta announced to the Demon Prince, “Especially for vouching that I wasn’t like the type of people these guys seem to be so afraid of…” The Shawnee woman adds a sense of empathy towards The Mythics. 

“I can imagine you understand their fear and anger towards Midgardians. After all, Native Americans were forced from their natural home as most Mythics were forced into hiding.” Red Son replied as he could already tell what was on Washta’s mind. “I know not all Midgardians are vile beings, but that doesn’t change how there are too many who are corrupted by their power. Though, I do find it appropriate that you’re doing this for the group.” He praised as Red Son smiled towards Washta. “Giving all of us a chance to just live life and not worry about the many crises that are bound to follow is a needed element for everyone.” The Demon Prince finished as Washta laughed a bit due to the claim.

“I know that self-care is very important. If you can’t take care of yourself, even mentally. You aren’t able to help those who truly need it.” Washta said aloud as she pocketed the tickets that she had bought for a location called Club Twilight. “You’re positive that this place is a good place for all of us?” Washta asked once again with a raised eyebrow.

Red Son nodded to reassure the Shawnee woman. “Yes, it is actually one of my personal favorite nightclubs too. It would be perfect for the gang. Plus, they even play some of my favorite music artists and bands too. One of my favorite songs that you Midgardians have made definitely has to be International Love by Pitbull with Chris Brown. Quite an iconic song.” He declared as he mimicked the moves of a DJ operating their music equipment with a small chuckle.

“That is absolutely a good song, but I like songs from Oh The Larceny and similar artists. A nice unique take on rock and an upbeat style of music.” The Shawnee admitted while putting a hand on her hip and smirking. “P!nk is another good artist in my book.” She declared as the two began sharing their favorite types of music and the artists or bands within that genre. Eventually, both Red Son and Washta made it back to the hotel where they were staying while they remained in Xuanpu. “Hey everyone! I have a little something planned for all of us.” Washta declared with a sense of pride for her gift to the group.

“What’s that exactly?” Ricky questioned after blowing out a puff of smoke, Tyrik opened a window with an irritated groan that he was allowed to smoke inside of the hotel. Mostly since most Mythics could endure stuff like this with little issue. 

“Me and Red Son had bought entry tickets for a Nightclub. We believed that we could use a little break from the chaotic events and have time to just hang out.” Washta announced as she held out a total of six tickets.

Kathleen was a bit surprised by this particular choice, but she was able to understand this was a good idea. Before anyone could object to the idea, she took charge and declared for everyone: “Takin sahme time ahff to 'ave foehn is a fantastic idea. You goehys shooehld 'ead ooeht and 'ave sahme foehn fahr a while. Dahn't 'esitate, go ahead and enjahy yooehrselves, yooehngsters! [Taking some time off to have fun is a fantastic idea. You guys should head out and have some fun for a while. Don't hesitate, go ahead and enjoy yourselves, youngsters!]” Kathleen announced, yet she made sure to be quite assertive with her words. In case any of the young adults wanted to decline the offer. Knowing that Esmeralda was too much of an introvert and would absolutely not accept this. Kathleen could also tell that Ricky was not fond of this idea just as much as Esmeralda was, but seeing Esmeralda’s handmaiden composing herself as she did. They knew that there was not much of a choice on the matter unless they wanted to fight her. Which did not seem like an ideal route to take since Miss Carney was quite intimidating with her muscular physique.

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