A Serendipitous Appearance

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Red Son had just finished helping the Xuanpu Police Force contain Valerie and taking any injured civilians to the hospital. He was roughly lost in his thoughts regarding the events that had occurred until he ran into a person that The Bull Demon Prince encountered long ago. The individual was a fellow demon, yet was among the Asuras. A race of Demons that had far more of a humanoid appearance yet baring multiple arms. The Asura was a woman in her early twenties in appearance, though had a physique befitting for a warrior and spell caster. Being well toned from battle without sacrificing the elegant beauty that accompanies femininity. However, the beauty that she portrayed was a bit overshadowed by the spoiled as well as spiteful demeanor the Asura also held. However, when Red Son took notice of her chosen royal attire, a design akin to a royal Siamese dress with some armor plating on her shoulders, wrists, and legs for protection. Her attire made a perfect blend of battle armor and royalty dress, giving her both physical fury and mythical prowess. The cloth is colored purple, gold, and emerald green. The Armor plating that covered her upper chest was engraved with a sigil belonging to a very particular royal bloodline among the Asuras as a whole. The Bloodline of Ravana, who has the current heirs named Nadruk the Wraith Conjurer and Vimofrea the Elusive.

“Zhazdel!?” Red Son proclaimed in utter shock by her appearance, “What are you doing here!?” He shouted as his hands clenched into fists engulfed by flames in a moment of rage. The Woman turned to face him, showing initial surprise before her face formed into a sly smirk. Assumed by their chance meeting she giggled and placed one of her four hands onto her hip.

“My, my Prince Red Son. What a pleasant surprise to see you around here. Thought you would be playing cop with The Council rather than mingling with Midgardians.” Spoke Zhazdel with a voice that displayed an odd blend of power and cunning, yet failed to hold any semblance to her mother’s mastery of deception due to her arrogance. “Although, I had heard a rumor that the embarrassment of The Ravana Family would be around here. Wanted to pay my twin brother a little visit.” She mocked as Zhazdel looked at her upper left hand for a second while taking on a sassy pose. Red Son scoffed at the remark, always annoyed at how she would take any opportunity to prove her superiority over her brother. Yet, this was a very common practice among Demons within their families. He knew this too well himself as Demons always had enjoyed battle since whenever a Demon slays a powerful enemy, they can absorb their foe’s power to make it their own. Yet, Zhazdel took too much joy in always being the prodigy of the family as she was born as an extremely powerful Asura herself. “Have you seen Loxtrom around by chance? I would prefer to torment him over you at the moment. Despite how humorous it would be to bring up our complicated past.” She questioned as Red Son rolled his eyes in response to the question.

“Wait… Your Twin is here?” Questioned The Bull Demon in utter surprise. From what he could recall about her brother. Loxtrom was banished from The Lanka Kingdom after allowing The Templar Order to invade roughly in the late thirteenth century within Midgardian History. From what Red Son could recall from the time when The Templar and The Ravana Bloodline did battle. Loxtrom was overwhelmed by the tactical mind of The Grandmaster at the time, forcing Nadruk to slaughter Apophis to obtain Necrosite. “I thought he would still be trying to claw his way out of The Helheim District of The Duat Realm after your mother kicked him out.” Despite the uniqueness of Demons that allowed them to grow stronger with each defeat of a powerful enemy. Loxtrom was always considered worthless due to his lack of magical abilities.

Zhazdel shrugged in response, a bit of her spoiled arrogance coming to the surface. “I thought that Níðhöggr would have devoured his very essence by now. Yet, I am hearing rumors that he managed to crawl out of the pit that Vimofrea threw him in.” Remarked the Asura woman before growing a sly and spiteful smirk. “Although, I am gonna remind him of his place among The Ravana Bloodline. At the bottom where scraps belong.” She declared as Zhazdel laughed until the pair felt heavy footsteps approaching from behind. As the ground cracked with each step heard, Zhazdel had a noticeable cold sweat form on her forehead as she turned to see her brother once more.

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