Chapter 52: Piece of the Puzzle

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The mysterious Pokemon floated above me, slowly descending. Its purple eyes trained on me, beginning to glow as power welled up inside of it.

This pressure was immense...

It raised its hand, purple power coalescing into it...

But a white blur interrupted it, striking it in the chest. It stumbled twenty feet away, momentarily struggling to right itself.

The blur manifested in front of me, revealing itself to be Eevee.

I stared at her in awe. Despite this immense pressure, Eevee did not even hesitate to attack it.

"What Pokemon is that? Rotom!" I said.

Rotom floated out of my pocket. "What do you— Holy shit is that a Mewtwo?" it exclaimed, scanning the Pokemon—who I guess was called Mewtwo. "Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokemon. A Psychic-type. It was created by a scientist after years of horrible gene-splicing and DNA engineering experiments."

Thank Arceus for the Legend Dex. It gave me some insight on the threats I'm facing.

But this Pokemon was incredibly powerful. How would we fight it? Could we even fight it?

Gardevoir decided for me, shooting out a powerful Psychic at Mewtwo. It regarded her coldly, merely slapping the Psychic wave away. Meanwhile Rotom, in a panic, went back into my pocket.

The Ditto Eevee fought and defeated was caught in the crossfire. Its beady eyes widened as it was hit by the Psychic...

And then nothing was left afterwards.

"Damn it," I cursed, turning back toward Mewtwo, whose lifeless eyes glowed.

It stretched out its arms to the side, forming dozens of Shadow Balls and Aura Spheres in the blink of an eye. It waved its hand, launching the massive volley.

"Eevee, Quick Attack through them! Gardevoir, you know what to do!" I quickly ordered.

Eevee sped through the barrage, dodging Aura Spheres left and right, each nearly hitting her. Meanwhile, Gardevoir created afterimages as she stepped, weaving past the Shadow Balls long before they got near her.

"Eevee, Swift."

Eevee got past the volley, flicking her tail at Mewtwo, shooting a stream of stars. Mewtwo held its hand out, creating a barrier with Psychic. The Swift bounced off harmlessly.

Mewtwo's eyes glowed once more, and an Aura Sphere that missed Eevee suddenly turned around, striking her in the back. She crashed into a tree, wincing in pain.

"Gardevoir, Shadow Ball!"

Gardevoir appeared behind Mewtwo, shooting a Shadow Ball at it. The latter could barely turn around before the Shadow Ball collided into it, exploding on impact.

Another Shadow Ball hit Mewtwo again, making it growl in confusion. It turned and saw that it came from Eevee, who used Mimic.

Eevee launched herself at it with Quick Attack, once again crashing into it. She shot another Swift, hitting it point-blank. Mewtwo crashed to the ground, eyes widened in surprise.

Its hand shot up, eyes glowing as it activated Psychic, grabbing Eevee, throwing her into another tree.

"Vee," Eevee grimaced in agony. Mewtwo brought Eevee forward, before slamming her into the tree once again.

Gardevoir appeared in front of Mewtwo via teleport, her eyes glowing as she galvanized her own Psychic. Mewtwo merely swatted at her, its Psychic crushing hers, flinging her away with brutal force.

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