Chapter 4: Brain vs Heart

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This takes place the next morning from the chapter before.

Mark was the last person to wake up, in absolute peaceful bliss as he stretched his arms above his head.
"Where am I?" Mark asked himself as he stumbled out of the bed and peeked out into the hallway. The hallway was decorated with good accents and tables with flowers on them, creating a whimsical atmosphere.

"Holy shit." Mark said to himself as he walked down the hallway and wandered around aimlessly for a few minutes. He was completely unaware of where he was going and ended up lost.
"Uhm..Lev?" Mark called out, looking at his surroundings and realizing he somehow ended up in an indoor pool area.

Mark left the pool room and looked around until he ran into a maid that was busy polishing a vase.
"Excuse me ma'am?" Mark asked softly as he looked at her.
"Yes, sir?" She replied, setting the vase down and looking at him.
"Do you know where Lev is?" Mark asked nervously, fidgeting with his fingers.
"Oh yes. He's in the kitchen with a friend of his. Follow me." The maid said as she began walking down the hallway, Mark following behind her closely.

After many twists and turns, Mark had finally reached the kitchen only to be shocked by a wide spread of food. The large kitchen island was covered in trays of food, from fruits and cheese slices, a few meats but mainly breakfast foods, bacon, eggs cooked in many different ways, waffles, pancakes and toasts. A side plate had all sorts of jams, sauces and toppings and a sidebar with pitchers of juices and other drinks.

"There you are, big guy!" Lev called out as he popped up from beside the fridge as he approached Mark with a smile on his face.
"Hey Lev. Oh hey Raven." Mark greeted them as Raven walked behind Lev.
"You guys can have as much as you like. The rest of the food goes to the staff." Lev said as he handed the other two an empty plate.

Mark and Raven didn't need to be told twice and began filling their plates up with as much food as they could stomach and filling their glasses with a mix of juices and sat at the table in the corner of the kitchen.
"You guys must be hungry." Lev said with a laugh as he began filling his own plate up with food and grabbed a glass of lemonade. The men ate their breakfast and chatted about their likes and dislikes about random topics.

After breakfast, the men were all sprawled out on lounges in the living and relaxing after consuming so much food.
"Holy shit, I ate too much." Raven managed to say, curling up in a ball.
"I've never seen anyone eat so much that fast." Lev commented as he rolled onto his stomach.
"Well we're not used to having that much food in our presence. I mean, we're in college and you know money is tight." Mark replied, trying to do stretches to stop his stomach from aching.

"You guys can ask me if you need any money, I don't mind." Lev replied bluntly with a smile.
"But I don't want to take advantage of you." Mark replied quickly.
"Plus it costs a lot of money to pay off someone's college expenses." Raven added on with an unsure frown.

"But I insist. I just want you guys to study without worrying about the money." Lev replied and continued insisting.
"Are you sure?" Mark asked nervously, earning a nod of confrontation from Lev. Mark sighed and laid down fully, closing his eyes and ready to take a nap.

A few hours later, the men were still in the lounge room until Mark woke up from his nap and made his way back into the kitchen for a drink. It wasn't until he got a text message that made him stop in his tracks and check it. The message was from a mutual friend of himself and Raven and he decided to text him back and sit on a chair nearby.

"Mark? Whatcha doin?" Lev asked as he was hovering over him with a smile on his face. Mark jumped slightly and looked up at him.
"Oh, hey blondie." Mark replied automatically,
"How was your nap?" Lev asked as he sat on the arm rest beside him.
"It was good, my eyes are sore though." Mark replied as he laid his head on Lev's thigh.
"I can get you some eye drops." Lev replied as he played with Mark's hair.

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