
as she leaned her back against the cold surface of the school locker juliet fiddled with her fingers. lucy chewed slowly on her gum before blowing a bubble, her arms crossed.

they had been waiting in the halls in front of the boys locker room for about 30 minutes in order to hear the results of said tryouts and only after another 5 minutes did they hear the loud chatter and smell the engrossing amount of testosterone come their way.

hearing the loud laughs close in juliet lifted her eyes from the ground to the group of sweaty boys that walked past. her eyelids flickered to spot lucas malik and ben close behind, all with a tired expression plastered on their faces.

"hey!" lucy chuckled and ran up to malik as soon as they stopped in front of the girls. "how'd it go?" she asked looking up into his eyes.

"oh uh.." malik drifted his focus away from the group and lucy, his dreads covering half of his face like a curtain. "we didn't get in."

"what.." lucy's demeanour dropped an octave as she sagged her shoulders and joined juliet in analysing the boys.

juliet, standing up straight from her leaned position looked at each of their faces before particularly stopping on lucas who chewed the inside of his lip and didn't meet her eyes.

his hair, still damp from the shower he managed to take was moved away from
his void face with one swift hand movement and juliet tried her best to read him like
a book but couldn't get past the first page.

the silence was cut by a snort. ben slapped a hand over his mouth before bursting out in a malicious laughter. "we're just kidding, results are out this friday." he shrugged smugly.

juliet rolled her eyes as the boys let out their collective chuckles and lucy glared in their direction.

"don't worry, we for sure got in. didn't you see how i played?" malik smirked before placing his arm over lucy's small frame.

"yeah, like shat. did i seem surprised? i meant to say 'i knew it' when you told us you didn't get in."

"shhh, shhh you're just sour because you fell
for it." malik spoke back as they began walking towards the school exit.

"nah she's right bro you were kinda iffy." ben commented catching up to them.

"what the hell does iffy mean."

"apparently it's a word only intellectuals like me understand."

a chuckle escaped juliet's lips after the last comment ben made before the three stepped outside the school building.

lucas looked at her laugh and rubbed the back of his neck after clearing his throat. "so, howd i play?"


"yeah?" this time lucas laughed as they began walking toward the exit in order to catch up with their friends.

juliet shook her head with a smile. "you played alright and you shouldn't worry about the results, i'm sure you made the team."

"thanks." he said with gratitude. just her small comment calmed his rising nerves and insecurities.

  once they joined the three friends outside who were still bickering about the word 'iffy' lucas asked if ant of his friends needed a ride.

"much appreciated bro." ben dabbed him up in acceptance of his offer.

"i'll give lucy a ride since she lives closer to my place." malik flipped his keys in the air and smiled.

juliet caught the tint of rosy blush that made its way onto lucy's pale face and she still wondered what relationship these two had.

"juliet?" lucas asked turning to the girl at his side, his voice holding a tinge of excitement as he tried to expect her decision.

"i should start paying you like an uber." she commented as she took off towards his car.

with a smirk and chuckle lucas and ben followed in tow. unlocking his car and opening the door for juliet and ben lucas quickly stepped in the drivers seat and laughed once turning to find juliet sitting patiently with a crumbled up 10 dollars in her hand.

"it's on the house." he said pushing her hand back down.

"no bruh get your bread up." ben snatched the money out of juliet's hands.

"hey!" she snatched it back.

  the car began to move and soon they parked in front of juliet's house. the ride was fast and amusing with ben in the back so juliet got off with a smile stretched across her lips.

"see ya tomorrow." ben waved from the back seat and upon seeing it, so did lucas.

juliet chuckled waving back. "see ya."

she watched as the car backed out of her driveway and disappeared down her neighbourhood street. she had spent the day well and didn't even let the morning's appointment upsetment get in her way.

even so, the instant she walked into the ambiance of her house, her body dragged and eyes drooped. her mind cried as she walked up the stairs and into her room.

  juliet was stuck in a never ending spiral that fell and fell and fell. when she'd reach out maybe her hand could be caught and held by precious or enjoying moments but once let loose the falling drinks her up again.

𐐪𐑂 a/n:
genuinely wanna dedicate this chap to my newest reader who begged me and through begging managed to muster up dedication to update as soon as possible.
ly !

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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