Chapter 23: Forced or Destined?

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1 year later....

Meera's pov

"Chief, the Go Export company decided to withdraw from the false misdelivery case. According to their report, It was an error from their end and they shall compensate for all the inconvenience generated" I reported to the Chief, that was my dad, and passed him the report that was sent by Go export company. He briefly went through the entire report with a content smirk. Well, this case has been going on for the last 2 months. Another company called Go Export had framed us for false misdelivery. However, their lawyer was too much of a coward and stepped back when I started my argument. After changing 3 lawyers, they decided to withdraw from it.

It's been a year since I joined my Dad's company, after leaving Abir Pharmaceuticals. My first choice was to join Rishab's company, but then I couldn't take my mind off what happened with Kabir and was afraid it would repeat itself with Rishab too.

And there was vacancy in my Dad's company since the lawyer my dad appointed was way too greedy and almost had sold out all the details of the company to the other but somehow Kiaan got the sniff of it and caught him red-handed. Then I was already jobless, and the more days I stayed jobless, the more days I had to stay in here. Which, needless to say, I didn't prefer.

"Okay," was the reply of my boss, Mr. Shivaay Singh. Taking that as my cue of leave, I turned around and opened the door.

"Meera, can we talk?" he called out, his voice a little louder. I stepped back and looked at him with my brows raised. He blinked, indicating it was something serious. Well,

when was the last time my father joked with me? Probably never.

I closed the door and sat next to him. He shifted in his chair, pressing his elbows to the table and leaning towards me.

"Kiaan is standing for the position of the CEO," he announced. That was fantastic! Gosh, I thought I was getting fired. Kiaan worked so hard for this! does he know about it? Probably does. He worked day and night for it. He'll be so happy for it.

"Does he know?" I asked, unable to mask my excitement. I swear I saw him smile for a second, but when soon he masked it with his infamous stoic face.

"He does. My point here is you'll be one of the board members who will cast their vote in his favor or not, " he said. I frowned. First of all, why would I not cast my vote for him? He deserves it. Just not because he is my brother but also because he has worked hard and always strived towards it. He spent countless days and nights working on every project with complete exquisiteness. If not him, I don't see a better candidate than him in this matter.

Second of all, why am I included in the board? I literally just joined the company about a year ago. I understand my father might have seen something in me, which i couldn't, but people from outside do not see that. They will think 1) I got on the board because I'm the current CEO's daughter and frame him for nepotism. 2) Including me in the board will ensure one fixed vote to Kiaan. Again, nepotism is in play.

"But dad- I mean, Mr. Shivaay, don't you think including me in the might seem ... wrong?" I said, choosing my words clearly. He sighed and locked his eyes with me.

"I don't speak without thinking twice. What makes you think I will let you be on the board without thinking twice? If you are worried about people, then rest assured. I have talked board members, and they do not have any problem with you being on board. Your work is cast your vote. I don't have to know if favor of him or not, " He said placidly. He is right. He won't make any decision without thinking. And such a big decision? He surely would have thought and talked about this. But a part of me also felt bad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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