Chapter 1

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The light streamed on to my face so hard ,but yet it looked so blurry. Where was my mother ,where was my father when suddenly-

"It's a beautiful baby girl maam" I heard the voice of a woman say.

I kept trying to open my eyes but something sticky kept it closed ,I was starting to feel annoyed now. Why isn't this woman helping me ,did she need a written letter or something, when suddenly someone moved me closer to the blinding light and I felt myself touch something warm, which felt blissfully good cause I was feeling so cold, when I heard an adoring voice gloating with affection cooing-

"Baby, my baby, I love you Momma loves you so much" I could hear the exhaustion and pain in her voice but over all that, I heard happiness and pure love so much of deep flowing love I tried to open my eyes and I succeeded.

I saw a woman with dark brown hair, her eyes were the darkest shade of brown which I was sure would have looked black to anyone from a distance and those eyes didn't leave my face for even a second despite her tiredness on her face, she didn't even dare to blink.

I liked this woman she looked so kind and she reminded me of my mom though they didn't look anything alike but the look I saw in her eyes were the same one my mom gave me.

I snuggled closer to her, into her warm loving embrace she smiled an adoring smile at me and I returned it when suddenly I couldn't find her arms, her embrace, 'her'...

"Come on little one let's go declare your life huh"

'No, get your hands of me ,I want to go back to her' I thought desperately but she didn't seem to even mind my struggles.

"Oh you are the most beautiful child I've ever seen" she cooed in an awed voice but I didn't care I looked her straight in the eyes I could feel her hold me in her left arm to free her right, when she looked me in the eyes.

I let my fury roll into her eyes and stilled her and began to speak to her through my thoughts-
'how dare you'.

"You shall do as I say" I commanded her
She nodded petrified with blank eyes reflecting the face of a baby with the most astonishing beauty with

"BLOOD RED EYES with slits like that of a SNAKE."

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