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I assumed I knew myself until I stumbled upon him. Adler altered my soul, twisted my universe, and carved me into something so inexplicable. And what ironic is that I let him. I conceded to his touch, his hold, his control... his ruin. But there's more to the tale.

Once, it was the headline, now scarcely a tragedy etched into history: "A woman killed her little daughter while the older daughter went missing."

Naufragium offered me a new start, a new outlook, but it fare something in return. Now, my hands are stained with blood, and I’ve learned that standing against evil doesn't make us good. None who dwell in dreams of revenge and desire emerge with shoulders unburdened by sin.

Now, my life has strayed far beyond the ordinary path of mortality. There is no greater truth than death and no greater lie than love. But when everything defies what you’ve believed your entire life, you forget who you are, morals twist, and you go slightly insane. You shouldn't have to be a monster to kill a monster. But what if you already were a monster? That's the fatal flaw; the hamartia the Greeks spoke of.

[Author's note: I am beyond grateful and glad that you gave this story a chance. Won't disappoint you.]

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