A Second Chance PT 10/10

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Tags for this chapter: Grumpy x Sunshine, Double life, Secret Identity, FLUFF, Vulgar language, Miguel x reader, Spiderman 2099 x reader, TAGS FOR SMUT MDNI: Cunnilingus, rubbing, p in v......10.1k words
AHHHHH AND JUST LIKE THAT WE'VE MADE IT TO THE ENDING!!! Thank you for everyone checking in and sending me love and support while I worked on this. Super sad to see it go I had so much fun writing this story but I'm mainly just glad you guys enjoyed it as well. I tried so hard to make it under 10k but failed miserably BUT I HOPE YOU GUYS LOVE THIS LAST CHAPTER MWAH💜✨


It's been a month. Yes, it's been a whole month since your daughter was brought into this world. It's been a month of you taking care of her and getting to know her. It's been a month of you trying to understand the changes in your body and also mentally after giving birth. Your breasts leak now....you have to pump regularly which is annoying. Surprisingly and thankfully you didn't tear but god wearing those diapers made you think otherwise. Okay so it wasn't diapers per se but it might as well be. The pads felt thick and...

Honestly the less about that part the better.

And even though it has been only a month your daughter has gotten so big. She's still small of course but she's grown so much in so little time. You put on her little dress and her socks and gloves so she won't scratch herself. You're getting ready to take her to her doctor's appointment. You told Miguel about it and he insisted that he'll be there. You told him not to worry about it but of course, he didn't listen but as you check your watch you realize that you have to leave now otherwise you're going to be late. So maybe he's not coming after all?

Quickly wrapping her in Miguel's blanket you check again to make sure that she's strapped in the car seat before making your way to your car. On the other hand, you and Miguel's relationship has definitely changed but in the best way possible.

There's more affection, more lingering touches between the two of you. Granted you guys still haven't kissed yet but that's fine you aren't rushing anything. Even though technically you guys did...kiss...already. Twice at that. But you know what that's beside the point. Truthfully you just got out of a relationship that almost lasted a decade mere months ago. And honestly with your daughter here all of your attention has been on her and yourself.

There's a lot of preparation during your pregnancy leading up to the birth of your child but no one really helps prepare you for the aftermath when your baby is here and you're dealing with things mentally and physically. Your body is forever changed, your mind is forever changed, not to mention the way you think and your unexpected mood swings. So many things happen afterward that you truly don't think you were prepared for.

But of course, you weren't alone anymore. Miguel was practically with you every night despite him of course leaving when needed but honestly, you don't even remember the last time he slept at his own apartment. It's been great you don't feel smothered that he's with you each night helping you cook dinner, helping watch after her if needed, and making her bottles. You feel excited and happy more than anything. You have noticed that he still doesn't interact with her that much. Meaning he doesn't pick her up unprompted only if really needed and if you can't get to her at the moment.

You aren't complaining of course...it's just that you know he wants to. You could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at her or whenever you caught him staring at the both of you. It pains you to see him like this knowing that whatever happened with his daughter all those years ago is still affecting him. You honestly just hope that he someday can come to peace with what happened and whenever that may be you know that you'll be right here waiting for him with open arms.


Finally pulling up to the doctor's office you begin to grab your bag, her baby bag, and her car seat and head inside. While walking you try to ignore the fact that Miguel still isn't here yet. Yes yes, you did tell him he doesn't have to show up because of work but he told you that he was coming so of course you would be expecting him.

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