Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 3

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The following morning you show up to work in a black dress with sunflowers all over it. The dress stops right above your knees and you pair it with your black pumps. Your hair is cascading over your shoulders and down your back in waves as the front part of your hair is filled with black and gold pins. Making your way to his office- your office you don't bother knocking on the door you just head straight in.

Miguel doesn't need to look up to know it's you. The familiar and intoxicating scent of vanilla and cinnamon reaches his nose. The same scent that was with him last night as he masturbated to images of him fucking you. Since he found out that you're anemic he decides to turn up the heat in his office in hopes of pleasing you....he won't ever say that though. Glancing down at his watch checking the time he realizes that you're late......well you're not. You're actually right on time but he doesn't know what to say or how he should address you All he knows is he wants to hear your voice.

"You're late" You whip your head to the clock behind you. You give him a confused look when you see that you're actually on time.

"I'm actually on time Mr.O'hara"

"You're not"

You roll your eyes. "I am" Not bothering to entertain him anymore you make your way to your office the echo of your heels fills the room.

"Make it your business to get here on time. I won't tolerate your tardiness."

You say nothing in response because you know you've never been late before not once not ever. But your silence annoys him. He knows he has about 4 hours before he can see you again because once you go inside your office you don't come out unless your work is finished or for your lunch break.

"I am speaking to you"

"Yes and I can hear you, O'Hara"

"Make it your business to arrive at work on time or I'll be docking your pay" This causes you to stop dead in your tracks. You need the money that's the only reason why you're here and if he docks your pay.....your sister..... you- Not even trying to think of the worst-case scenario you turn around to face him.

Your voice shakes "I've always been on time, I don't know what you're talking about....but please don't dock my pay. I can't...I need the money m-my sister-.......please" You can feel the tears threaten to spill over. Even though you hate being vulnerable you know that you really need the money. Your sister's treatment only for this weekend cost you an extra $6,000 and you had to save up a month's worth of paychecks in order to meet that price while dipping into your savings as you paid for your rent and other things people need to live.

The sound of your voice causes his head to shoot up as he looks into your glassy eyes he knows he fucked up. Fuck he wasn't trying to....he just wanted to get you to stay in his office a little longer and engage in the daily morning bickering you both have. He wasn't trying to make you cry. He immediately gets up making his way towards you as he stretches his right hand out. You take a step back as your eyes narrow in on the hair tie on his wrist, the one you spent all morning looking for. Why in the world does he have it?

His eyes follow your's and he draws back as he sees that he still has your hair tie on. He thought he took it off; he doesn't even remember putting it on this morning. Maybe he just never took it off last night....?? Not wanting you to get any ideas he immediately takes it off and hands it to you.

"Found it on the floor of my car this morning. Please refrain from leaving-" He stops as he sees you snatching it out of his hand, opening your office door slamming it behind you. He runs his hands over his face. Fuck he's made you upset he wasn't trying to........why does everything always go wrong when he just tries to talk to you. Can't he just ask you how your morning was as any normal person would? He immediately makes a mental note to apologize to you when you cool down later. It feels like he's been doing that a lot lately apologizing to you. He groans as he plops himself down on his chair. 9

Miguel O'Hara One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora