Happy Anniversary Pt 1

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It's almost been almost a year since you and Miguel broke up. 8 months and 2 days to be exact but you know who's counting. It would've been your 5th anniversary in approximately 22 hours but you know it's not like you are counting down waiting for the clock to strike twelve.

You know you were OK with the late nights, him coming in through your window, you not knowing whether he would come back home on the brink of death, or with a few minor cuts. You learned how to deal with it all..... hell you were with him for almost 5 years. You loved him and you were more than sure that he loved you back.....so why did it have to end? Why aren't you snuggled up in the living room on your couch waiting for him to come home?
Those questions have been on repeat since you managed to get yourself out of bed since you've managed to brush your teeth since you've managed to...simply just live again. You had to force your mind to shut off and let sleep take you. You had a couple of errands to run and you knew you needed every ounce of strength to get through the day..... The day before your anniversary.

Fuck you need to get over it, it's been months you can't keep beating yourself up for his mistake. He called things off, he left you, he told you weren't good enough, he pushed you away and he.....he.......

Fucking hell.

No matter how long it has been you still cared, you still loved him. When he left he took a piece of your heart with him and he never gave it back.

With a sigh, you tightly close your eyes hoping to let sleep take you....and surprisingly with just your luck it does.....3 hours later.

15 hours left

So you've only got 4 hours of sleep. With tired eyes and a tired mind, you were able to drag yourself out of bed and get ready. It's hot outside so you put on your light grey Skims dress with a pair of black-heeled slides and a pair of black shades to cover the bags under your eyes.

Okay, you lied, it's not the Skims dress it's a dupe from Amazon.

10 hours left

By the time you finished practically all of your errands, you decided it was time to get something to eat. The heat was becoming unbearable causing you to fan yourself with the free hand that you had that wasn't filled with bags. The sweat was making your skin glisten giving it an almost natural glow.

You were standing in line waiting to order when the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. It felt like someone was watching you....what the fuck. Subtly turning around you quickly scanned the area. There had to be at least 30 people in the room 10 of them were sitting down eating 9 of them were in front of you in line and the rest was waiting for their food or loitering the space.

You don't know why you picked this place since it was packed but you were determined to get food into your system. As you continued to scan the room you didn't see anyone staring but you still felt it......Your instincts were never wrong and living with Miguel weirdly made them stronger. Turning back around you let your mind wander trying to figure out your order.

Then you smelt it....you smelled him...the smell almost causes you to drop the bags you have in your hand halting all of your movements like time froze. You know his signature scent from a mile away....it was the customized perfume you had made each other for your 2nd anniversary you both never stopped using it until....well until you- no until He called things off.....or so you thought. You're too scared to turn around, scared to see him, scared to be in the same space with him. Gathering all the courage you have you scan the room one last time.

Then you see him...he looks just like you remembered except now his hair is all over the place, a few inches longer. His buttons still hold on for dear life against his broad chest. Thighs as thick as ever.....but something is different....as your eyes travel to his face you can see the way his cheeks sunk in, the bags under his eyes almost looking identical to yours maybe even worse.

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