A Second Chance PT 8

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Authors Note: Tags for this chapter: Grumpy x Sunshine, Double life, Secret Identity, FLUFF, Vulgar language, Angst Angst Angst, Miguel x reader, Spiderman 2099 x reader, Brief signs of domestic violence 10.2k words

I want to start off by saying I'M SO SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG POOKIES. Listen school started back up for me and your girl trying to get her degree so bear with me, please🙇🏽‍♀️ But hopefully, the long chapter should make up for it idk about the ending tho...like I said ik y'all are going to hate me for it LMAO. BUT THANK YOU ALL FOR CHECKING IN AND WAITING FOR ME!!!!!

Enjoy loves<333

******* This icon will signify the start of the brief domestic violence situation. Please when you see it skip over it if you don't want to read it. I want to warn you guys in advance. Thank You.


You begin to follow Miguel as he brings the last of the gifts to the car. He's been...silent since his chat with Lyla. You don't know what was said but whatever it was left him angry.

You decide it's best to not try and make conversation in the car so you sit in silence all the way home. When you reach your apartment he requests that you stay inside while he brings in the gifts. Going to your bedroom you begin to get undressed changing into a nightgown and throwing on O'Hara's sweater so you aren't practically half naked. You watch him quietly as he brings the rest of the gifts inside.

You walk over and place a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Miguel hey is everything ok?"

"I'm fine, do you wanna unpack any of this stuff now or are you going to wait" You shake your head. "No, I still have to paint her nursery so maybe in like a week or two"

"Let me know when you do cause you shouldn't be handling paint" He gives you a lingering look before walking away and making his way to the door. You quickly walk behind him managing to grab onto his wrist before he has the chance to twist the knob.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" He slowly nods his head.

"Listen I gotta go" As he opens the door you watch as he turns around stopping to look at you. He stares at you for what seems like forever before you finally build up the courage to place your hand on his face. Slowly closing the distance between the two of you you pause as you stare into his eyes

"I know that some of your stress is my fault so please if there's anything that I can do to help you then just say the word and I can-" You watch as he begins to shake his head. "Stop it"

"No please just hear me out i-if you need help trying to find him or anything I'm not sure if I'll be of much help but there has to be something that I can do right? If you need anything from me then....I'm here" You pause taking another step closer to him your stomach now touching his. You gently begin to rub your thumb across the strings of his face mask for extra support. "If you need to tell me anything and I mean anything then I'll listen, trust me I will" He slowly nods his head because, of course, he has his sunglasses on so you can't even try to decipher what he's feeling right now.

"I have to go" You sigh when you feel his hand on top of yours and he slowly removes it from his face. You take a step back and give him a small wave before he walks down the hallway and disappears from your line of view.

Slowly retreating back inside the house you decide to open a pack of pampers and fill up the first drawer in the dresser that's in her nursery. Then you decide to fill up the second drawer with some of the clothes that you brought her. You know you just said you wanted to wait but this was something that you could do yourself. You stare at the clothes fondly before rubbing your stomach. You can't believe that she's going to be here soon. It feels like it was only yesterday your bump was beginning to show and now you're about to have your first baby. You just hope that you'll be able to give her a great childhood and give her all the love you can possibly give. Just without your ex getting in the way.

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