Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 5

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You had to practically run out of class so you could try to make it to work on time. Your class ended later than usual plus there was just so much traffic in the city since it's rush hour. You're supposed to be at work at 1 p.m. but it's already 1:30. You pray that Miguel still meant that he was just messing around when he said he'll dock your pay if you were late. You've never been late ever and now you're worried you'll never hear the end of it from him. Plus your phone is dead so you couldn't send him an email to let him know anything. You immediately get out of the car and you begin to jog but your heels slow you down. Yeah, you really have to stop wearing them to work. Exiting the elevator you almost fall back as you collide with something but a hand snakes around your waist pulling you flush against them.

You rub your head and try to pull away "What the he-"

"Where the fuck were you?" You look up and you realize it's Miguel. Great, he's totally the person you wanted to run into right now.

"I know I'm late but please-"

He squeezes you tighter. "Where were you?" He demands

You watch him slowly assess your appearance as if he's searching for something while waiting for you to speak. "Class ended later than usual and then there was just so much traffic and-" He abruptly let you go. You look around and realize some of your coworkers are staring at you questionably shit shit shit why did he do that?

You give them a quiet "Good afternoon" following him to your office. As you follow him you see one of his hands ball into fists as he puts his car keys back into his pocket. Was he going somewhere? You quietly shut the door behind you and take a deep breath. Once you gather the courage to look at him you see that he's running his hands over his face while he's leaning against his desk. Is he okay...? You take a step forward but don't say anything you're too scared to.

He looks up and finally breaks the silence and holds his hand out. "Your phone"

"Excuse me?"

"Your phone, where is it?"

"It's dead. Why?" He retracts his hand and leans over to get something from his draw. He holds out a charger as he makes his way to you. Looking at his face you think he doesn't look too mad......right?

"Charge your phone" You take the charger from him

"Thank you," you whisper. He tightens his jaw as his gaze travels down your body from head to toe. His silence is making you nervous. You really hope he doesn't dock your pay especially after he learned that you needed the money.

"Please don't-" He cuts you off

"Your next class is on Thursday and Friday, correct?"

You tilt your head "I'm sorry?"

"I'll be picking you up, Meet me in the back of the building. There are fewer cars that way" Your brain can't even process what he's saying right now.

"Wait wait wait what are you talking about I thought you were angry?"

"You've never been late before you do know that right?" You slowly nod "So what do you think my reaction was to find my secretary who's never been late 30 fucking minutes late, with no call, no text, no email no nothing. Joder te estaba llamando" He has to force his voice to remain stern without rising with each word as he angrily runs his fingers through his hair.

(Joder te estaba llamando= Fuck I was calling you)

You can feel the anger radiating off from him. You've never seen him like this before never. His eyes are wild, and his hair is disheveled and sticking out in every which way. Even when you guys would bicker he never got this angry. His suit jacket and waistcoat are sprawled out on his desk and the sleeves of his shirt are rolled up to his elbows. What happened? He couldn't be this disorganized just because you were late. Right? There's no way he is always so calm and uptight but this whatever this is is completely opposite of him.

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