Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT7

633 11 17

As you walk down the hall looking for your room you begin to freeze when you see two people from your school walking down the same hallway in the opposite direction. It's the guy who you were talking to the other day and his sister who is in your psychology class. Great, you definitely wanted to run into people you know.

"Miguel..." You say in a warning tone

He sighs "I know...if they ask just tell them the truth the reason why your here it's not like we're here for pleasure I'll walk ahead we have to turn the corner to reach our room anyways"

As they get closer you lower your head trying not to draw any attention to yourself but of course, it doesn't work because you hear Maggie the girl calling out your name.

"Girl I almost didn't see you there" You plaster on the fakest smile you can manage

"Wow, I almost didn't see you there either. It's so good to see you, Maggie, and Jacob." You wave to her brother as she pulls you into a hug. You watch from your peripheral as Miguel disappears around the corner.

Jacob pulls you into a hug as well. "We're going to the pool, you should join us. I'd love it if you could come."

"I don't know guys I'm on a business trip I'll have to ask my boss and he's pretty strict so it'll probably be a no" You pretend to act sad

"That guy who just passed is your boss? That's the same dude who picked you up on Thursday" Great so much for trying to keep things on the low

You laugh nervously "Yeahhhh that's my boss" Maggie spends the next 2 minutes geeking out that your boss is hot it gets even worse when she figures out that it's Miguel O'Hara fucking great. They spend another 5 minutes trying to convince you to go swimming with them you finally manage to get away from them by pretending that you have a call to make. But before you can leave you watch Maggie elbow Jacob encouraging him to take down your number in case you could make it.

You wait till they walk inside the elevator before you turn the corner to go to your room....you're shared room. Once you enter the room you are greeted by Miguel standing in the middle of the room.....weirdo.

"Is everything okay?" He slowly turns to look at you

"Yeah, what took you so long?" You begin to walk over to where your suitcase is in front of open double doors that lead to a queen-sized bed with way too many pillows on it and drag it to the couch on the opposite side of the living room. Damn even though there's only one bed the suite is pretty big. There's a kitchenette, a balcony, and a little living area where there's a small 2-seater couch that would be uncomfortable for any grown adult to sleep on unless they're small.

"Nothing really, they just managed to piece together that you're my boss and they want me to go swimming with them." Your back is to him as you haul your suitcase on the couch next to his. Why did you pack so much stuff? You gently move his suitcase over giving it a nudge.

"Are you going? And what the hell are you doing?" You hear him making his way to you.

You roll your eyes. "No, I told them my boss is too strict, and what does it look like I'm doing Miguel I'm moving my stuff."

"I left your suitcase by the bedroom for a reason. Put it back" He gently pushes you away and carries your suitcase back to the bedroom this time placing it on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sleeping on the couch-" He cuts you off

"Don't be stupid"

"Miguel I'm not sleeping on the bed while you take the couch. You paid for the room."

Miguel O'Hara One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now