A Second Chance PT 4

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The following morning you wake up with a sore neck since you slept on the couch. Surprisingly despite the day you had yesterday you feel refreshed. You don't know if it's because you managed to scarf down 7 empanadas in one sitting. Sighing as you get up and stretch you place a hand on your stomach as you try to figure out what you should do with your day. Apart from the weekends, this is technically your first time when your day is completely empty. No class, no work…no nothing. It's just you and her today. You stare at the clock on the wall as you decide on what to do. It's 1 in the afternoon and you slept for roughly around 7 hours. Maybe you can head to the supermarket and get some ice cream to cheer yourself up. And then you'll come back home and try to find any job openings.

You wash up and get yourself ready for the day. Too tired to put on any pants you go to find another dress. You end up finding a long blue dress that you used to wear all the time before you got pregnant. It fits you nicely the last time you wore it and hopefully, it will fit well again this time around. You really need to buy some more maternity clothes.

Finally putting it on you let out an excited squeal when it fits to accommodate your bump. “Thank the Lord I really don't feel like putting on pants today” You take a second to stare at yourself in the mirror and if it wasn't for the pop of color you're wearing your face just looks so dim…you wouldn't look like yourself. Around your face and eyes are puffy since you've been crying basically all night. Your eyes are still red and you have bags under them. You look tired. Very tired like you haven't slept in days. But the longer you stare at yourself you take notice that you also look very very pregnant. Soon you won't be able to see your feet anymore. You stand there placing a gentle hand on your stomach as you stare at it. You hope she's doing okay after yesterday, maybe you should go to the doctor to check? She seems to be fine. You felt her moving a little while you were in the shower but maybe you should check on her just in case. Better safe than sorry. You call your doctor to schedule a quick check up and after that, you'll need to go to the supermarket for some ice cream and then head home and begin to look for any job openings.

Miguel has been staring at the orange screens for hours. There are about 10 in front of him and each screen has different things on it. Some are more important than others but one thing for sure is that he needs them all open. So then why does he have a screen showing the cameras of his apartment complex? Specifically the one on the roof and the one that shows the front door. It's just for precaution…it's just for him to monitor what's going on when he's away. It makes sense right?....Since that's where he lives he's just making sure no funny business is going on while he's not there….. he's definitely not watching the cameras to check up on anyone, that's a major no.

“Miguel” He groaned the minute he heard who it was. It's Jess. He already knows what she's going to say. He was almost 30 minutes late today. That never happens. He's always on time. But since he's been seeing you more frequently he always ends up 2-3 minutes late. When he leaves for his 4-hour break he usually spends 1 hour of patrol 2 hours at the bar, or sometimes 3, and then an hour to walk you home. The walk from the bar to your house is roughly around 12 minutes but since you walk slowly it takes about 15 or sometimes 20 minutes to get back. Then because the elevator is still broken he swears it takes you 20 minutes to walk up the steps. He doesn't blame you though it's 3 flights of stairs.

“Miguel you know what I'm going to say right?” He says nothing as he taps on one of the orange screens.

“It was 30 minutes today. You've never been this late before. I know…things aren't easy for you it hasn't been for a while but I need you to tell me anything so I can understand”

He keeps his tone stern and his back straight as he speaks. “There's nothing for you to understand. I can come late I'm the boss”

He hears her sigh as she takes a step closer. “I think you should talk about it. You know they offer therapy downstairs. I think it will do you some good. Every time you come in you reek of alcohol. It's been like this for weeks. I don't need you drinking yourself to death. This is a very unhealthy way of dealing with the loss of Ga-”

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