A Second Chance PT 2

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It's Wednesday morning and you've just gotten off from work. You're tired and you're craving an iced coffee. But of course, you can't have any. You're in your lobby getting ready to go up the stairs when you hear the doors opening from behind you. Turning around you watch as your rude neighbor comes into view. You roll your eyes and step away from the stairs to let him pass. You don't feel like dealing with snarky remarks today about how you walk too slowly. You have a few hours of sleep before you have to wake up and head to class then afterward you have to head to the grocery store then later you have to go back to work at 9 pm.

Stepping off to the side you move away from him standing by the mailboxes. Folding your arms across your chest you stare at him as he walks past you and up the stairs. He doesn't even acknowledge you or look your way once he's a big jerk. Shortly after he goes up the steps you follow behind him making your way to your apartment so you can get a couple hours of sleep before you have to wake up again.

After class, you drove yourself over to a new supermarket since your usual one is obviously out of commission. You only wanted to buy a few things but somehow you ended up with half a cart of groceries. You tried to tone it down but it's been 2 weeks since you've last had a grocery run and your appetite has grown quite a bit. You are trying to limit yourself to how much you eat. You don't want to add on too much weight but…. It's hard. Your little one keeps on growing and it's important to keep her well fed and healthy. Pulling into your apartment parking lot you let out a deep sigh as you stare at the many bags that are placed in your trunk. With your elevator still messed up you're going to have to take multiple trips up the stairs again. Luckily though you were smart enough to buy yourself a small shopping cart so you won't have to make multiple trips from the car to the lobby alone.

In times like these deep down you wish you had someone. The further along you are in your pregnancy soon you will be prevented from doing these simple things. But you know that you made the right decision to leave him. You won't ever raise your baby in that kind of environment.

She deserves better, you deserve better.

As you fill up your shopping cart you hear shouts and screams far off into the distance. When you look up in the direction of the sounds you see a few Spider people running….well swinging in that direction. Including the Spiderman that you met 2099 hmm maybe something going on? Well, at least it's further away from you this time. He swings nearby and not knowing whether or not he can see you, you awkwardly send him a wave. Closing the trunk you secure your bag over your shoulder as you begin to push your shopping cart toward the lobby.

You have 4 bags in your hand 2 in each hand as you're making your third trip up the stairs. If the bags are too heavy you'll have to opt for only two bags at a time. You can already feel yourself becoming tired. It's only a matter of time till you have to pause for a break. As you walk back down the stairs ready to get more bags you pause the moment you see red and blue walking through the lobby doors. It's Spider-Man.

He stands there chest heaving up and down with every breath that he takes. He looks up at you then he looks down in the direction of the shopping cart. You watch as his eyes narrow slightly before turning his attention back to you. It's weird you can't see his face at all but it feels like you can. Unsure of what to do you slowly make your way down the rest of the stairs.

“Oh hello…is everything okay?” You stare at him as you walk towards the shopping cart. You don't know why he's here now you're sure you just saw him swinging around with the others.

“It's nice to see you again….I wanted to thank you again for yesterday….I really do appreciate it” You stand there growing nervous as he stares at you without saying a word. His breathing has slowed so his chest isn't heaving up and down as much as it was. You opened your mouth to speak again but then remembered when he said you talked a lot.

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