How did he react if he found out- if he was even awake- did he take it? Did he accept the charges because he really was the murderer?

You heard the door open, but found no strength to move your head up and look, as you already had an idea as to who it was

Alhaitham sighed, towering over you. "Comfy?"

"No." You breathed out.

"Then I'll get uncomfy with you." He shrugged, before dropping onto his knees, laying on his side and facing you.

Struggling, you went onto your side, facing him.

He put a hand up to wipe away your tears, then tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before he scooted foreword, his lips gently pressed against your forehead.

"I don't wanna believe it's him," You admitted meekly, not able to stop the new tears that streamed.

"None of us want to, but we have to." He frowned, "it's not easy for any of us."

You looked deep into his eyes; they were full of regret, guilt and somehow so much more.

You realized you hadn't even thought about how he felt during all of this. His Akademiya just burned down, his best friends are in the hospital and he had to be the one to apprehend his other best friend.

"I'm sorry." You breathed out, letting out a whine. "I'm so sorry."

"I don't want you to apologize for anything tonight." He wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer to him and you began to cry into his chest, clutching onto his shirt.

He held you as you cried, despite such harsh actions and all your screaming earlier- he continued to hold you, because nothing could ever make him hate you.


"Why would he do this..." you sobbed into his chest and he put a hand onto the back of your chest, trying to hold you closer than he already was.

"I know, baby, I know." He let his own tears fall.

He waited for you, waited at least 15 minutes for your crying to stop as he just held you, soothing and comforting you and encouraging you to let it all out.

You hated how the only time you could finally have his comfort was right after you find out your best friend was trying to kill you all.

"Can...can we talk?" He asked, moving back a bit to look at your face. "We- we don't have to if you don't want to!" He quickly said, a bit nervous, and you would've found it adorable if it wasn't for current circumstances.

"I was just hoping we could talk"

The meds.

You chuckled, sniffing. "You always were a communication king."

"I wasn't before I met you." He smiled sadly.

He sat up, grabbing two pillows from the couch and putting them down on the ground, pushing one under your head before he put one under his.

You smiled in thanks. "They're on the counter." You breathed out. "The meds. I opened a new one today."

He didn't wanna look. "Did you take one today?"

Love the mask, time to bring it back (Alhaitham x F!Reader SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now