Welcome back to High School

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"Someone start me off, what are our leads?"

"Nothing." You scoffed, placing the files of the case for Damslette down on the desk as you sat beside Albedo. The conference room doors were locked from the outside. No one could come in, and no one would try given the "DO NOT DISTURB" signs on each door.

You and your coworkers all sat at a large table, files sprawled out with the thick smell of coffee filling the room that was enough to give someone- especially you- a headache.

"We talk to the parents?" Kevin, a coworker- a creepy one at that- asked.

Albedo nodded, and looked at you, prompting you to talk.

You cleared your throat. "Dad told me she was on good terms with all her friends. She was loved around her school, head of student council, no one had problems with her."

"We Talk to the school?" Albedo asked. "Maybe he didn't know everything."

"No." You shook your head. "Not yet at least. And yeah, she's- was- a teenage girl, he couldn't have known everything."

"Alright," Your boss clapped his hands. "You two head on over to the school. Find some friends of hers and see if anything happening recently."

You and Albedo nodded, the both of you standing up, dragging your vests off the back of the chairs and making your way out the room.

"Your car or mine?"

"Mine." You snorted. "Don't trust you driving. You radiate someone who failed their G2 4 times."

"Not wrong."

You let out another snort.


You parked your car near the entrance to the school. It was an established private school, one that obviously only rich kids were sent to. Just standing near it completely gave "snobby rich kids" vibes, and you could tell as you watched teenage girls walk around, giving a glare to anyone who wasn't them.

You couldn't judge- You were a teenager once, and you went to a private school in both Liyue and Inazuma. The only difference with this one was that this school was completely funded by Pierro and students that go here are 90% going to go to the Academia for university.

"Alhaitham support this one?"

Albedo's voice brought you out of your trance. "Pardon?"

"Does Alhaitham support this one? Funds?"

"Ohh," You chuckled, understanding. "Yeah, Alhaitham's a sucker for these schools; Anything leading up to the Academia."

"Why'd he choose to work at a detective agency and not continue working up there?"

You just stared blankly as the two of you walked in. That, you didn't know the answer too. "I honestly have no idea." Alhaitham had the perfect chance to take the position of Grand Sage, yet he continued to stay as the Acting one.

It's been two years as the Acting Grand Sage, and you were surprised you hadn't asked him sooner why he wouldn't take it still. Despite being acting, he had full power, including funding this school, so maybe he just didn't want the title.

The two of you walked into the school, your ears engaging the loud noises of students yelling all over the halls within seconds and you winced. Albedo looked at you with concern,

"Are you okay?"

No. You hadn't taken in your pills in a few days and in full honesty it felt like withdrawal. Your headaches were coming in way faster and this was not helping. "Let's just get to the office." You muttered, looking for someone who didn't seem like a snobby two-faced teenage bitch.

Love the mask, time to bring it back (Alhaitham x F!Reader SEQUEL)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt