New Man New Problem

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"How did Pierro react?"

You swirled your spoon around in your soup, feeling to nauseous to take a sip of it. With a sigh, you forced it down your throat.

Zhongli waited for your answer and chose to ignore the grimace on your face after you had taken a sip. He hopes it's more because the soup tastes bad- quite frankly, he thinks he's a great cook.

"Not well," You breathed out. "He was quiet. Refused to even talk; Maybe mumbled 2 words and that's it."

"He cry?" Xiao asked, spreading the cheese on his bagel as he sat across from you.

You let out a sad chuckle. "I think he wanted to. Few tears, sure , but I think after I left he broke down."

"She was his only daughter," Zhongli shrugged, a look of glum shadowing over him.


God, it just felt so weird to hear that word.

It went quiet, and you zoned out, staring out into the ocean from the view of your backyard. Last time you sat at this table and actually looked outside, there were lanterns for the hero's death.

You could see it flash in your mind, making you dizzy. You didn't wanna think back to then.

You didn't wanna think of anything that happened last year. Sometimes, you wished you could erase it from your memory.

You held back any tears from falling thinking back onto your past, instead deciding to clear your throat and take a stand, ruffling Xiao's head as he smacked your hand away, causing you to grab his bagel and take a bite which made him yell.

There was no smile on your face, and in full honesty you didn't think you wanted to smile right now, but you stuck your tongue out at him, hoping it was enough.

His smile was enough.

Looking at him made you want to think about Pantalone or Capitano. How did they feel? Their younger sibling was dead, she was murdered.

If you ever lost Xiao, you'd be ready to kill yourself.

You opened the fridge, ready to make a bagel since the one he made tasted good.

"What did you find at the crime scene?" You could hear your father speak gruffly behind you; His throat was tight, you could tell. He was probably thinking what it would've been like if he was in Pierro's position.

You realized that was a habit your dad did. He put himself in other people's shoes. It was a good thing, since he likes to see perspectives, but sometimes it could be a bit too much.

Your throat went tight too, thinking to the note found in her pocket. You hadn't told anyone about that yet other than Cyno. Alhaitham was gonna find out soon, it would be the talk at your work later.

You just couldn't tell the others about it. Not yet, at least, because what if this was really your fault? The note was not a coincidence and damn well she didn't write that either.

How would pantalone react? Pierro? Capitano? If they found out about that note? They aren't in a right mindset right now, and for sure finding out about that note wouldn't make it any better.

You debated on telling your dad, and then you almost thought you were stupid: he's your dad. He's been there for you all the time.

"There was a note," You started, turning the knob on the toaster once your bagel was in there. You turned to look at your father, who prompted you to go on.

Xiao was just being a fucking fatass and eating a second bagel.

"When I found her...dead, I saw something in her pocket. It was a threat."

Love the mask, time to bring it back (Alhaitham x F!Reader SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now