The Beginning of the End

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okay In honour of 1989 TV I'm posting this early LOOL

lowk sorry for thé shitty cover it's gonna get changed soon I just need to figure out some ideas for if

I put the mature theme in because it does have a lot of dark scenes including overdose, almost murder, sexual assault and harassment. I'll put a warning in chapters that contain any of the above.

this chapter contains a lil sexism and anti-depressants...and a dead body...


The single nature that is common across everyone in this world, is fear.

But mostly who we become, when it takes over us.

You like to think your main fear is the fear of having people dependant on you; That you have to make everyone happy, because all they'll be is disappointed in you. It adds so much stress, that you can't take it anymore.

You thought it was over, finally, where everything was on you. Being Silver Star was out of the picture, given the fact crime rates had gone down since Azar; No one depended on you anymore, and it made you happy for once, a little light shining in your life.

However, there are people out there who will do all in their power, to snuff it out.

Ask yourself, at the end of this, who will you become? Will you be proud of them, or will you be staring back in utter disappointment? Or should you have feared them from the start?

Will this fear result in the same problems from a year ago?

Or will this fear simply almost kill all your friends?


Because now is not the time to have the fear of having people be dependent on you,

Now is the time to fear the murderer after you.


Sometimes you have to shake your pill bottles to actually prompt you to take them.

You never liked swallowing pills, it just bothered you in a way you couldn't describe.

With a sigh, you picked up the bottle of anti-depressants, shaking them and listing to the jingle of the half full bottle.

Alhaitham would be home soon, you had to take them quickly. So, grabbing a cup of water as you keep shaking the bottle, you fill it up quickly.

Opening your mouth, you shoved the pill in your mouth and drank the water as fast as you could, a grimace on your face as you did and you almost gagged. You could eat almost anything and everything, but pills? No.

Quickly putting the lid back on, you hid in a cabinet with multiple different kitchen cleaning supplies. Whenever you and Alhaitham cleaned the apartment, he hated cleaning the kitchen, so he'd never ever think of opening this cabinet.

And thank god for that.

There was the faint sound of keys jingling outside, indicating Alhaitham was back home from work. Heaving a heavy sigh, you plastered a large fake smile on your face, ready to greet your boyfriend.

Cyno would say you looked like a housewife.

Your coworkers say it a lot too.

The door swung open, and it warmed your heart a little to see Alhaitham with a smile on his face. He had a good day at work, then.

"Hey, beautiful," he smiled, dropping his bag and coat to the floor foo wrap his arms around you.

"Hi handsome," You giggled, going on your tippy-toes to wrap your arms around his neck.

Love the mask, time to bring it back (Alhaitham x F!Reader SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now