Late Nights☾

175 17 40

♪now playing - find your love- Drake ♥︎

You woke up with a gasp, hand coming up to clutch at your chest as you sat up, panting. The one thing that hasn't changed whatsoever was the nightmares; Whether it be Heizou, the night your mom died, or even dreams about if your dad had actually died and how he did. The newest ones, though, were about Damslette.

You looked over at Alhaitham, expecting him to wake up given your gasp was loud, but instead light snores came out and you almost laughed. He always woke up at the lightest noise, but recently, with everything going on, his head was too full and he needed his sleep.

Grabbing your phone off the nightstand, you checked the time; 1:15AM.

Normally on a night with an apartment full of people that were once party animals, you'd all be asleep by 3am, but you must've slept early. You don't remember anything that happened after the almost-car-crash scene; You remember the warmth of your apartment, the annoyance of everyone yelling at some stupid argument. You remembered faintly Alhaitham trying to talk to you but you brushed past it, choosing to go straight into bed.

Then, you noticed how quiet it was; Everyone must've been asleep, and an idea popped into your head. With everyone asleep, you could maybe finally get your meds. Just the thought of it made you happy.

So, as quietly and as carefully as you could, you snuck out of the bed, making sure to fix the blanket onto Alhaitham before you left. The living room wasn't too full, and you noticed Cyno, Kaveh and Tighnari weren't there, meaning they didn't stay the night. So it was just the brothers, Childe and Scaramouche.

You walked all around to the kitchen opening the cleaning cabinet quietly as you could. Just before you would grab your meds, you took a look at the living room. Diluc was clear in your view, asleep on the ground, but the man was perfect at pretending to be asleep, so for about a minute you stared at him, waiting for him to crack under the pressure someone was watching him but he didn't, fully indicating he was asleep.

You grabbed the bottle carefully, making sure not to move your hand too much in fear the sound of the pills would be loud. You kept the cabinet open, and stood up, grabbing a cup for you to pour water into.

You opened the fridge and prayed the water dispenser wouldn't make noise, but due to the fact that it's been making noises, you weren't gonna risk it.

You gave yourself the courage to take the pill with no water and without shaking the bottle and practically threw it down your throat.

Once you felt it pass through your throat you felt relief, happy you finally got what you needed. You kneeled back down to the cabinet and carefully manoeuvred it around all the way to the back.

You closed it carefully, ready to head back, but as you walked away you felt yourself hit a sturdy chest and you felt your heart drop.

"You know you're supposed to take those with water?" Kaeya whispered, giving you a disapproving look. "I usually recommend to my clients to eat after they take it too, or during."

Behind him, sitting at the table was Signora. When did they come and how did you not hear?! She chuckled, "hearing the word client come out of your mouth is so weird. I thought psychologists couldn't prescribe medications?"

He sat leaned against the counter, shivering a bit given he just got out of bed. "We can't. I recommend ," he winked, and the two giggled quietly.

You could only stare in complete shock. Why were they acting so normal? And most importantly why were they so calm? If you told anyone in the group about your problem they'd lose their shit, but in a helpful way.

Love the mask, time to bring it back (Alhaitham x F!Reader SEQUEL)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin