6. Who Are You?

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It's a girl.

I repeated it to myself.

The thief is a girl.

But not just any girl, a beautiful one at that.

And she was also a werewolf. An Omega.

I stood there rooted to my spot, my eyes fixated on the girl as she bend down to steal more of my flowers, cutting them carefully and placing them in a basket. She looked so carefree as if she was merely plucking flowers from her own garden and not trespassing into private territory.

And yet I couldn't bring myself to move.

There were so many questions in my head, so many things I wanted to know, but it seemed like my body forgot the function of talking. No longer could I find my voice nor could I blink. Was the girl that beautiful to even shut my trap?

With thick raven black hairs that had come loose from the bun in her head, cascaded all the way down to her hips like running water. Her skin was of pale complexion, smooth and flawless under the rising sunlight. With her head bent low and her eyelids covering the colour of her eyes, all I could see was her long luscious eyelashes that dusted her high cheekbones every time she blinked. And her lips, they were a radiant cherry red, full and plump.

Yes, a beauty indeed. A beauty one to hold.

What on earth am I doing right now? Staring at my flower thief and analysing her beauty? Have I lost my mind?

Finally regaining my senses which I seemed to have lost for the last few minutes, I took one foolish step forward. I say that it's foolish because of how careless I had been to not check my footsteps because I was too busy staring at the Omega before me. A twig snapped under my boots, alerting the Omega as her head whipped up and she scanned the area. Realizing that she was staying for far too long, the thief checked her basket one last time to make sure she had enough flowers and scrambled to her feet.

Before I could even advanced one step forward, the girl had already run off, jumping over the fence and on her merry way. And here I stood like the fool I was, staring at tiny figure of the Omega disappearing into the distance.

I should chase her down. I should go after her and confront her, ask her for compensation for my flowers. But I didn't. I stayed stuck like that to my spot, not moving even when the sun was high up now in the sky and the birds begin their morning song. It was only when Wraya had come in search of his master did I finally find it in my legs to move.

"Sire! Pray tell me what on earth are you doing out here in this early hours? Look at yourself! You are freezing!" Wraya literally bellowed in worry, huffing and puffing at the same time he blew a long breath right into my face in an attempt to warm me. When that didn't seem to faze me, Wraya wrapped me in a cocoon with his huge red bat like wings and begin pushing me forward. It was then that I finally found back my voice.

"I found her Wraya."

"Her? Her who sire?"

"The thief. The one who has been stealing my flowers."

Wraya gasped, if dragons could gasp, that is, but I could sense the surprise in his voice. "You don't say! And it's a girl!"

I nodded, but Wraya was still not done with his questions. "Then what happened? Did you catch her?"

"Do you see her with me now?"

"Oh yes right. Did you chase her?"


Wraya stopped midway, turning to look at me with his huge head. "Tell me you at least chased her."

"I did not think it was necessary."

Smeraldo (Sample) [By: Aysha H. Khan & Zohara H. Khan]Where stories live. Discover now