6: Murphy's Law

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"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."

Sky's Point of view,
Joongdong High School, Seoul.

"Alright students, that's it for today, Miss Jung will be coming in shortly to take up your science substitution today, Good day." Mr. Kim, our maths teacher said and walked out of the classroom.

It's the 2nd last class for today and a substitute teacher will be coming in due to our original science teacher, Mrs. Lee, being busy with some board meeting.

"Afternoon class, I am Jung Dawon, you can call me Miss Jung for your liking, and I'll be taking up today's class."

"We'll just go through some of Murphy's laws." She said and kept her stuff on the teacher's table. "You won't be tested or graded for this topic but it will sure be of interest for many of you, and it's general knowledge."

She took out a marker and started writing some pointers on the whiteboard.

Honestly, my head hurts. The event from yesterday has been on my mind nonstop, And the tattoo on my finger isn't helping me get over it for a bit either.

I placed my chin on the table and looked at Miss Dawon writing down the last point.

"There you go. If anyone finds something hard to understand, please ask me. I'll be doing some work by then." She said and went back to the teacher's desk and sat down to check some assignments.

I looked at the board.

Murphy's Laws

1. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

2. Anything you do can get you to lose, including nothing.

3. The easy way is always mined.

4. There is always a way.

5. If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.

Holy mother of cows. This Murphy sounds like a loner by his words.

'There is always a way.'
I'll find one even if there wasn't.

But how?


"Huh? What?" I turned to see Kyung-min.

"You serious? I've been going on about how my brother finally found his soulmate and you didn't hear a word?"

"Soulmate? Oh, oh yeah, I did hear you. I'm sorry. Congratulate your brother for me."

"I will. Anyways. Let's go to the canteen."

"But the class isn't over yet" I looked at her in confusion.

"I can see that, you idiot. That's why, we bunk."

"What the-"

"Oh come on. It'll be fun!"

"Fine! But how do we get out?"

"Just follow me," She said and got up from her seat and gestured me to follow her.

We walked near Miss Dawon.

Suddenly Kyung-min clutched her head and held my shoulder tightly, leaning on me.

"OMG! What happened to her?!" Miss Dawon got up from her seat and walked to us.

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