1: Soulmate

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"My soulmate?"


Living the life of an idol is hard.
Especially when you have 'agents' of dispatch on your back every second you're out.

We recently released our group album 'Proof' and yeah, it's topping the charts.
The album was a great hit.

And that means more promoting schedule. More interviews, more talk shows and award shows.

Not that I am complaining though, this is literally my life as the leader of bangtan.
The only issue I face is the amount of pressure my members go through.

I try to hold as much pressure and stuff I can by myself so that the members don't over exhaust themselves. But managing all that is quite draining too.

Sitting in the living room of our dorm –we chose to live together in our dorm though all of own separate apartments–,
The boys settled themselves here and there.

Hobi, Yoongi and jin hyung on the big couch, Jungkook and jimin on the floor –both lying on their stomach for some reason– and Taehyung on the armchair across the one I am on.

Today is the first day in the past month that we got a break from all the promoting.

"So, did any of you find your soulmate or something?" Jin asked.

"Did that have to be so fucking random?" Yoongi questioned back.


"Do you know why there are no rabbits on the moon?" Jin hyung interrupted –who ever that was– who tried to say something.

"Why?" Jungkook lifted his flushed face up. The kid had his head in a cushion thinking that doing a hold-your-breath competition (feat. Jimin) was what we needed right now.

"Because the rabbits would end up eating all the cheese," He cracked at his own made-up joke, soon joined by jungkook and hobi hyung.

"Come on! That wasn't even funny!" Yoongi snickered.

Honestly,  seeing the oldest laugh like that brings a smile to all of our faces more than the jokes do.

Among all the chaos that was going on, one specific words stood out to me.


People around my age usually can see their string clearly. Yet, mine isn't fully visible yet.

I can feel it tied around my finger, yes.
But the string itself glows a pale red.

I don't know if its supposed to look like that or whatever. Atleat I know that I have a soulmate.

"—ere are you lost?!"
Jin hyungs words broke my chain of thoughts.

"Just, thinking."

"Thinking about who??"
Jungkook wiggled his brows as he stood up from the floor and clung to me, squeezing himself beside me –half of his body practically in my lap– in the single seater armchair.

"What do you think, huh? Of course his soulmate~" Hobi hyung chirped from the back.

"Hey! Look he's blushing!"


"Oh, my, god! Namjoon is a simp for his soulmate!"

"Hey its–"


"Listen to me, will you?!"
I practically shouted. Yet, they continued laughing causing my face to go beet red.

A sudden tug on my finger caused me to halt on my movements as I stood still, not moving a muscle.

"What happened?"
All the chaos suddenly died down as quickly as it started when Jin hyung asked me that, noticing the suddenly stillness.

"There... there was a tug on my string." I showed them my pinky finger. Not like they can see the string, though.


"Again! There, I felt it again." I said cutting off whoever was speaking.

"You sure it's the string?" Jin hyung asked me.

"Damn sure."

"It's not really common for someone to feel movements through their string, but I don't think it's impossible either."

"What do you mean, hyung?" Jungkook glanced at Jin hyung.

"Y'all remember when I used to tell you that my grandma always told me stories? She always told me was about how some soulmates are connected to such an extent that they can feel when the other one is in danger or not fine. The soulmates always get signals about eachother.

Though I always thought that it was just someone's imagination, I kinda feel like the thing you're saying might just be connected to what I just said."
Jin hyung completed.

"Signal?..." I looked at the string which was now glowing a slightly darker red than it was before. "Is she not okay?"

"How are you so sure that it's a girl?"

"I just...know,"

"Hey, you don't need to over think anything. Your soulmate will be fine. Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows if what I told you is just a story and someone's mere imagination in the end, right?" Jin hyung tried to ease my mind. And honestly, it worked.

As much as I was worried about my soulmates wellbeing, I can't help but feel happy about the fact that not only are we connected by the string and our hearts, but there's a slight chance that we might also be connected by each others emotions.

That's the last thing I gave a thought to before I getting dragged by Jimin and Jungkook along with the others for their sudden lets-eat-out plan.


Heartbeat  ~knj~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ