Chapter 3

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘

Angeles that Christopher had informed me about. We had decided to go with Club X, partly because of the rumors about its past. It was a place of murder, violence, secrets, and multiple kidnappings in the past century since the club had been opened. It was like a hotbed for criminal activities, a place that most people would shy away from. But we were here for a reason, and it wasn't to party. If Gabriel Carson owned this shithole, it was sure going to be a damn roller coaster.

As I pulled up to Club X, the first things that catch my sight is the security of this place, its heavily bombarded by bouncers and cameras. Christopher has some kind of connection with the security system, which he told me that he'll keep an eye out. Surprisingly there was no windows. Which means it's probably a strip club.

I park my car in a secluded area somewhere, stepping out of the car, lighting up my cigar as I made my way to the lit up entrance. The bouncers dont even question me, just giving me a stern nod before I enter the club. Club X.

The intimate red and purple lighting immediately hits me in the face. Booths circled the whole club, a bar, and a few stages with poles. It was suffocating in here. I take a long drag, some of the smoke coming out of my nose as I observe the area. The stages were empty, the men were waiting with anticipation for something.

I take a seat on the nude couchs surrounding the club, my gaze lands on a man that's sitting at a booth with a few other men. Dirty blonde, small beard, Hazel eyes, sharp features. He had his gun splayed out on the table. It brought a smirk to my face. He goes by Joey. Joey. I nearly huffed out a chuckle when I repeated it in my head. No one knows his real name. He had worked for me once, he's a man of his own now.

A few waitresses speed-walking around the place with trays in-hand. Half of them looked fucking scared for their lives in here. It's like a dungeon, chains and bones as decorations, red and purple lightings everywhere.

All the stage lights instantly light up, heels clicking on the floor. The waitresses scurrys over to me, pausing to take a breathe before speaking, "any drinks, sir?" She asks.

"Whiskey with ice. Please." I answered, as she filled my glass with whiskey adding a few cubes of ice. "Thank you." I add, before she scurrys back to the bar with her tray.

I take a sip of my drink, my eyes glancing up at the stage in a trance. There was a brunette woman standing on the stage, clad in leather lingerie and high heels. Her red lipstick was perfectly applied, and her dark-lined eyes had me hypnotized. I could feel the fucking urge to just fall down to my knees at the sight of her. My fingers tighten around the glass as my jaw clenches. Fuck. I was here for Gabriel. Not for some...woman.

A deep chuckle comes from beside me, and I glance over my shoulder. It was Christopher, who was also watching the brunette dancing on stage.

"Never knew the powerful Alexander Volkov would be admiring a beauty like her," he commented, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes in response.

The brunette was indeed quite a beauty, her moves and expressions filled with sensuality, and my mind was completely captivated by her. I took another sip of my whiskey, mumbing under my breath, "she is quite an eye-catcher." Maybe there is something good about this club, after all.

As the brunette stripper walks off the stage, my gaze follows her as she departs. Her heels click against the hard wood floor, the sound echoing in the club as it slowly dissipates. The next stripper comes on stage, and I take note of the difference between the two women. There is nothing special or redeeming about her, and I feel my fingers tighten around the glass of whiskey in response. My mind is focused entirely on the brunette, a fire igniting within me at the sight of her.

I'll find her someday, when Gabriel motherfucking Carson isn't on my ass.


𝑬𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆.Where stories live. Discover now