Chapter 2

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒆𝒘𝒆𝒍

"Seriously? You got another boyfriend, Kamila?" I murmur as I iron the outfit I was going to wear to work tonight to work. Kamila slept over last night, since I had a day off. 

Kamila just rolls her eyes, pouring herself another shot of whiskey. "Just because I had one hook-up doesn't mean he's my boyfriend." She corrected me.

I pause to look over my shoulder. The urge to give her a side-eye was very tempting. I sigh, "one? I saw you at the club with him three times. Do you even know the man's name?" I grunt, placing my ironed outfit at the end of the headboard neatly, then moving onto to finding a decent lingerie set from my closet.

She chugs another glass of whiskey, before speaking, "Joey? That's his name. Well, I think so atleast." 

I raise a brow, giving her the look. "Joey? That's it?" I joke. She had a bunch of shady men in the past, none of them turned out good. They were either, cheaters or just assholes in general. A new guy out of nowhere was just plain sketchy.

"What? Were you expecting some ancient name or something?" She replied. After a few seconds she starts chuckling, "enough about me, what about you? Your still single?" 

I sigh, pulling out a lingerie set from my closet, laying it down on my bed, beside her. "Kamila, you know I'm not looking into relationships right now. I've got collage to worry about."

She just rolls her eyes, sitting up. "Collage my ass. Your turning twenty-three, stripper, and yet your still a virgin? That's called embarrassing in my book."

I scoff, rolling my eyes again. I might as well get my eyes removed with how much I've rolled my eyes at her today. "You find everything embarrassing." 

Paying off studen loans was fucking hard when you dont have any of your family near you. The only job I could find available was unfortunately as a stripper in Club X. I heard rumours about the club itself, it was built in a sketchy place. It looked poor from the outside but rich from the inside. And damn, I didin't expect alot of people, I mean, alot, of people in the club. 

Of course there was alot of people going to be there, its a club you dumbass. I thought to myself. It was going to be my second day working there. I can't go looking there like a scared skunk.
Kamila had left a few hours ago because of hospital emergencys, they were low on doctors, that's what she told me atleast before she rushed out of the door, leaving her half finished whiskey bottle behind. Which I would glady drink.

As I quickly slide I leather pants over my ass, I button up the front with ease. I slip into a loose blouse, taking care to button up the front few buttons. I take a second to check myself out in the mirror. Eh, it's not the worst.

Leaving my hair down, I give it a quick brush to ensure a tidying it up a little. With my bag and keys in hand, I rush out of your room, taking the stairs two at a time. The apartment complex hallway is dimly lit, and my footsteps echo softly as I make my way to the front door. 

I swing open the two rusted doors, spotting my car in the distance. It wasn't the best, but I could do for now. I make my way to the car.
The cold breeze hitting my face as I slip into the drivers seat, putting my bag on the passenger seat. I sigh, setting my hands on the steering wheel, using my other hand to turn up the hand-gear


I park my car in the inclosed parking space for workers, stepping out of the car. The cold air immediately hitting my face, causing a slight shiver down my spine as I make my way to the backdoor of the club. The backside looked rough, trash, glass, beer bottles, cigars, who knows what else on this greasy looking ground.

I quickly open the rusty metal door that they disguised as a emergency door. The warm air hits my face as I sigh a breath of relief, setting my bag down. My eyes land on the intimate club lights beaming through the door that leads directly into the club. Club X.

I sigh, sitting down on the chair nearby, whispering under my breathe, "this is going to be a"

𝑬𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon