"Pantalone isn't as good as Childe, but he wouldn't be as drunk as described from a few shots." Signora was trying to think, but her nervousness was in the way of any answer she could come up with.

Suddenly, there was a yell.

"GUYS!" Itto yelled from the distance. "C'MERE!"

Everyone shared a look before they were rushing towards the same way Itto went, passing by multiple cars, trying to find the outline of a tall man in the dark.

"Guys!" He yelled again once he saw you all coming, and pointed towards a car he was in front of.

"Is this not Childe's car?!"

That made everyone's heart drop.

Scaramouche walked up closer, turning his phone flashlight on to read the license plate.


"Shit.." He breathed out, "It is his car."

"Oh my god," You breathed out shakily, fear staring to consume you.

"Did they walk?!" Kaveh scoffed, him too starting to get insanely worried. "Where else could they have gone?"

The bar wasn't near anything other than a few motels and convenience stores and you actually realized that maybe you shouldn't have decided to wear your best dress for tonight- but that was not what mattered! there wasn't anything nearby for the two to walk to that would pique their interests.

"If they're at a motel with someone god I will kill them." Signora said, trying to lighten the mood up for herself, but she was still scared.

Scaramouche stood up from his kneeling position, "Unless something happened to them."

"I'm gonna call Cyno," Tighnari said, pulling out his phone and quickly dialing for the man, hoping he'd answer his boyfriend. 

"Candace? Kaveh?"

Dehya called, and everyone turned to find Candace and Kaveh walking towards the forest, full of fear and hesitance. 

"If something happened to them they wouldn't be in plain sight." Scaramouche realized, "Like- like Xiao! He was hidden when you found him!" 

Signora wasted no time and began to run into the forest, passing by Candace and Kaveh who stared at her with shock. "NORA!" Candace yelled before she and Kaveh began to chase after her and in seconds, the rest of the group did. 

You walked.

You felt too frozen to run, because what if Scaramouche was right?

What if they were attacked? 

You didn't want to be the first to find them- as selfish as it sounded, you did not want to find 2 more bodies first. 

You were shaking, and you couldn't tell if it was from the cold, or the fear as to what you could've found.

The more steps you took, the more you felt your heart hammering around your ribs, as your mind ran through all the possible outcomes of what you would find.

Only for one to stick when you heard a blood-curdling scream from Signora.

You froze, not knowing what to do. Do you keep going? Do you want to have another burden of someone's death on you?

The outline of someone came running towards you, not being able to tell who until they stepped into the shine of the moon and you were about to ask what it was, because you knew you wouldn't be able to see, but then he just grabbed you, pushing you away and you felt yourself enter reality.

Love the mask, time to bring it back (Alhaitham x F!Reader SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now