Chapter 23

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Once I got home I just dropped everything in a corner of my living room and then began to make some soothing tea. Alone again and with the quiet enveloping me I did what I could to relax. When that didn't work I showered, put on my fluffiest sweats and snuggled into my favorite armchair to read. A good romance would lift my mood and spirits surely, I thought doubtfully. I lost myself in the cheesy storyline but it was hilarious so my laughs slowly began to come more and more often and I could feel myself smiling along the more I read.

Around seven the doorbell rang I dashed to grab my groceries. The kid that met me couldn't have been more than eighteen or nineteen but I smiled warmly at him and he asked if I needed any help. Knowing he probably didn't have the time I answered that I appreciated his offer, but that I would manage. I slipped him an extra few bucks for his politeness and he got back in his truck smiling and whistling the tune for a popular Taylor Swift song. After several trips I had everything upstairs and in my kitchen. My foot was aching so I only bothered to put away things that needed to be refrigerated or frozen before I hobbled back to my book.

Once again comfortable and weight off my foot, I began to relax. After a few hours I had fallen asleep in my armchair and early the next morning I was still in it. I groaned feeling all the aches that came with sleeping an entire night in an armchair. Slowly I stretched and felt as if my body had aged several decades during the space of only a few hours. Not bothering trying to make my own coffee, I brewed tea and sighed at the several shopping bags I still needed to get put away. I brought my tea with me and I sprawled on the couch. Knowing I most likely had several messages waiting for me I reached for my phone.

With a groan I mentally prepared myself for the apologies and the promises of it never happening again but there was only a simple good morning text from Leo and Raph. Unsure I didn't reply immediately but instead scrolled through social media and weather apps. The coming weekend was looking to be having a major rainstorm so I made a note to check on candles and other emergency supplies in my apartment. I also found myself checking how the weather would be along the coast. The rain seemed to be moving inland so when it would be the worst in New York, the coast would actually be relatively nice.

I considered my options over tea for a long while and after careful consideration I texted Leo, Raph and April that I would be heading out to the coast in the afternoon and would head back sometime next week. April responded with a laughing emoji and wondered if Ursula could handle the trip. I smiled knowing she referred to my old, clunky and huge jeep. She was anything but pretty, but I kept her in pristine condition. I made lists of what I would need to pack and bring both if I had great weather but also if the power was out.

My morning and early afternoon flew by with my bringing stuff down to my jeep and then doublechecking that I had everything I would need. Just as I was about to head down so I could get on the road a soft thump followed by another behind me had me turning. Leo and Raph stood there in my living room and looked ashamed, apologetic and nervous. I waited for them to speak first, desperately trying not to do what I always did: forgive out of habit. Raph didn't have the patience to wait so he began to ramble about his temper, working himself up in the process. I held up a hand before he could work himself up any further. He stopped and the corner of Leo's mouth twitched. He sighed and tried to explain that Splinter had tried to engage them in an exercise where neither Leo or Raph would react to taunts or threats concerning me. As Mikey and Donnie knew me and our status, their taunts would hurt the most.

I understood the lesson and in part I appreciated the thought behind the whole exercise... During a fight or mission it could be incredibly dangerous for them to have their focus shifted and that wasn't something I wanted to happen. After I moment I nodded and explained, "I understand, but that's not why I'm upset," I explained. Leo visibly let go of his tension but Raph seemed to become frozen. "Besides I haven't been out to the coast in forever it feels like so I figured I might as well since the weather is going be shit here but awesome there and I think some time apart to think would do us some good," I added glancing more at Raph than Leo. Not missing anything Leo looked to Raph who refused to look directly at either of us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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