Chapter 8

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I stepped away from them and they let me go. All emotion leeched from their faces and they watched me, waiting to see what I would say or do next. "I... I want us to start by trying to be friends," I began, fear and uncertainty making me rush to get the words out. They looked at me with shocked expressions. "If we can't even be friends then there's no point in taking things further right," I asked annoyed at myself vying for their approval. When they grinned and their eyes darkened I audibly gulped afraid I had just made a very stupid deal with not one, but two devils.

"In that case, we will need to lay down some rules," Leo began his voice a dark yet thoughtful and silky caress to my battered soul. "Guidelines," Raph countered playfully. Leo straightened to his full height and glared at the other turtle. In response Raph began to crouch, as if to jump Leo. Afraid they would actually start a fight in my studio I stepped between them and placed a hand on either chest. "Rules," I said brooking no room for negotiation and paused for effect. "Like no fighting in my studio," I said angrily and stomped my foot for emphasis.

As if they had practiced or done the move a million times, they each simultaneously grabbed a wrist and performed a series of movements that had one of my arms behind my back, the other clamped to my chest and each turtle pressing ever so slightly into me. They then bent down so their mouths were a hairs' breadth away from my ears. My ears, face and neck became so hot I thought they had to be on fire. "Then perhaps we should continue this...," Raph's sultry voice began. "Somewhere else," Leo finished with a burning hunger in his voice and my breathing hitched and my heart stopped. I yanked my wrists out of their hold, something that thankfully didn't require much effort, and raced down the stairs, desperate for space between me and them. Frantically I tried to calm my breathing and get my heart to stop racing. If this kept up I was at risk of just giving my heart away like a lovesick idiot... or jump their bones came a very naughty voice in my mind and, if possible, my blush deepened. They came lazily down the stairs and I swore my panties had to be soaked through by now.

They grinned at me as if they knew exactly how they were affecting me. Alarmed I sat down in my favorite armchair and tried to push the picture of them and me together... naked... out of my mind. With only slightly trembling hands, I motioned for them to sit across from me in my sofa. Leo took my other armchair to my right and Raph took up my entire love seat to my left. I huffed annoyed and slumped further into my plushy chair. Leo took up the role of leader and in a calm but firm voice said, "we need to be honest... no deceptions, lies or even half-truths." I nodded as that was a very reasonable rule, one I would've liked to have suggested myself.

Raph nodded as well and then took up the baton suggesting a rule of his own. "No sneaking off with one or the other," he said adamantly and glared in challenge at his brother. Leo glared daggers back at him. "So... would it always have to be the both of you together," I asked after a few moments of their glaring contest. They played so well off of each other it was frightening and the thought of always having such a surplus of intense emotions to deal with made me exhausted just thinking about it. The two were polar opposites in so many ways so I was already seeing how I would have to keep on my toes if I wanted to prevent fights.

When my question registered with them their expressions became a mixture of concern but also of being touched. They both turned to look at me instead of each other and Raph grinned. "We can do one on one, just be open and tell the other. Dat's all I ask," he said, again beginning to glower at Leo. I sighed but consented as that was also a very reasonable request. They looked expectantly at me and I realized it was my turn to suggest a rule. My stomach twisted and turned to knots I knew what I wanted to suggest but admitting it was... difficult to say the least.

"You can't ever suggest treatment for my scars," I whispered and couldn't look up from my hands. Silence met my request and when neither said a word I felt a growing need to explain my reasons so they wouldn't be able to come up with reasons to turn down my suggested rule. "Ever since the accident I have undergone almost every treatment out there and they were almost all painful and none of them ever achieved anything. I'm done with that... I can't take any more," I explained. I began in earnest but the more I explained the more my voice grew in desperation and volume. I was vibrating with the need for them to understand but unable to explain it in words. Hands touched either knee and gently squeezed. I cautiously glanced at them from the corners of my eyes. They were concerned, but no looks of anger or pity was anywhere to be seen. "A'ight if that's what you want, we'll neva suggest anything," Raph confirmed and Leo nodded his consent. "It's your decision and we will support whatever you decide even if that means you change your mind later on down the line."

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