Chapter 20

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"What the hell Donnie," I screamed and he stoically remained silent but headed to his office/lab/common hospital area for the family. When neither he nor anyone else answered I screamed curses at the top of my lungs becoming more and more furious for being manhandled in such a fashion. The moment he shifted me off his shoulder I did my damndest to scratch his face. Just before my hand would've connected he caught my hand and looked shocked at my fury. Still furious I tried with my other hand. Naturally he caught that as well.

"How dare you," I snarled at him and he was genuinely shocked at the vehemence in my voice. Alarmed he backed away a step and looked behind him where a bored Leo was holding an extra cup of coffee and Raph was looking smug. Raph turned to face Leo while keeping his gaze on me and with a low voice, but still loud enough to carry, commented, "I think she may just have a temper to rival mine." Leo rolled his eyes and, though I couldn't be sure, I thought he mumbled something along the lines of 'perfect, just what we need: another you.'

"You have ten seconds to explain yourself Donnie or I swear I'll be using your shell as a soup bowl," I challenged and he looked from me to his brothers looking desperate for some back-up. He began to stammer that he had been told to simply go get me when I wrenched a hand free and grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look straight at me.

"Am I in some fashion incapacitated or otherwise unable to speak for myself," I asked daring him to say anything that could be interpreted as a yes. He shook his head slightly and my grip hardened. My eyes narrowed and I leaned in closer. "Then why the fuck couldn't you have explained things instead of manhandling me down here," I breathed and he actually gulped in the ensuing silence. He tried again to look to his brothers for help and I wondered if they had put Donnie up to this. I straightened and turned my glare onto them instead and even Raph took a step back. I reached a hand towards the coffee and Leo placed the mug in my hands.

"You'll regret this little stunt," I breathed. It was a low promise and when they suddenly looked unsure I smiled my most evil smile and told them to get out. They did so and I tried to calm myself so I didn't take any more anger out on Donnie. He looked ashamed and I felt that was enough punishment. Sighing I told him things were cool between us but still wanted an explanation as to what was going on. He smiled a brilliant smile and leapt into a lengthy discussion of my health. He had me stand with my back to him and put my injured leg on a cushioned pedestal. Examining it, he told me exactly what he was doing and why each step was necessary. Nodding I followed along but when the cold of the floor was making standing almost unbearable I asked him if he could manage to get a blanket I could stand on. He replied of coarse he could and just needed a moment longer.

That 'moment' came and went and from the way he spoke less and less I could tell he was now hyper focused on his task. I tried everything I could think of to remain still so he could work easier but in the end I couldn't help it. He finally pushed away from me and said he was finished. I stammered a thanks and asked if he could carry me out to the sofa. Distracted he murmured something and hoisted me up into his arms. Still caught up in his own thoughts he left me on the sofa where Leo was currently sleeping and I instantly snuggled down into his blankets trying to get warm.

Raph came to stand before me and muttered that of I coarse I snuggled into Leo's stuff. It felt as if the cold had seeped into my very bones, and I began to shiver in order to get myself warmer. I snarled at him that I would gladly snuggle with his blankets if they were available. "What," he asked and I repeated myself annoyed he couldn't understand what was obviously a simple sentence with an obvious meaning. He looked confused and tugged on the blankets so that my head was free. "Now try it," he demanded angrily. Just as angry with him, I snarled my reply back to him: "I said: I'll take 'em if they're available!"

With his anger triggered we began to argue back and forth, shouting louder and louder at each other when Donnie silently dumped a very large and very heavy blanket on my head. Surprised I became silent and just as surprised I heard Raph mutter something unintelligible through the muffling silence of the blanket. The blanket was manhandled from the other side to wrap around me and I breathed in a deep sigh with the rising warmth. The smell was thick and heavy with the unique scent of Raphael. A sense of calm enveloped me as the smells of both Leo and Raph registered in my brain and just like that all my anger from just moments earlier was gone. I practically began to purr as heat crept back into my body and I bounced against something hard as Raph plopped himself beside me on the couch. Since I could now see again, I saw he was annoyed still so I did my best to snuggle against him.

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