Chapter 5

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Shortly after that Leo decided it was time for them to head out leaving Casey and April behind. They reminisced about how they had first met the turtles which led them to talk about the pranks and how much fun they had had together. I could tell the more they talked and we all laughed together how they were finally able to relax completely and using the proper names helped immensely. I didn't want to admit to it aloud, but deep in my heart and soul I allowed myself to concede that I was deeply jealous of them for having such fun memories with family. I had my memories with April true, but two years after college I started traveling around the world doing various art jobs when I could and working various other jobs when funds were low. I didn't regret that decision per say, but I also wished I could've been around in April's life more.

They asked me for stories of when I had been traveling as they hadn't been able to do that themselves, so I indulged them. While I spoke of treks here and there I showed them the artworks said treks had inspired. Some stories gained laughter, others shock and pity. Not every trek had been a pleasant one, especially when I had been to the killing fields in Cambodia. The piece that had inspired, however, had been so striking and popular I made a good bit of money from it and the original still hung in the museum dedicated to educating tourists and locals about that terrible moment in history.

When the clock had crept past midnight we said our goodbyes and I was alone. I climbed up to my studio and sat in my bay window overlooking some neighboring buildings and a park a block away. This was my favorite place to sit and just gaze up at the moon or to soak up some sun. As I sat there in the silence I felt myself growing tired and I fell asleep. The next morning I was, of coarse, aching everywhere so I stretched as I walked into my kitchen for some breakfast.

Saturday passed in a blur but come Sunday morning a sharp ding echoed throughout my kitchen. Curious I checked my phone to see who had texted me. The clock on my phone read 07:12 but the message wasn't from anyone in my contacts.

Unknown: Coming over, be there in 10.

It was early and I had climbed out of bed maybe five minutes before the text. My brain being foggy I decided I couldn't be bothered to figure who it was from so I just went about making tea. I was in my sofa waiting for my tea to brew, half-asleep when a window slid open. I sat up and tried to force my brain to focus. It was still foggy and refusing to cooperate so even when two turtles came through the window I was just staring at them cluelessly. They spoke a few words between them and then one shot out a very loud impression of the late Robin Williams' good morning Vietnam.

I shot up off the sofa like a rocket in surprise and landed with a loud, unflattering squawk. This had both turtles doubling over laughing and my brain started to slowly come to understanding who it was that was in my apartment. "I told you I was coming over," Mikey said laughter still in his voice and adorable baby blue eyes. I sighed and righted myself so I could pour my now steeped tea.

"I know, I just didn't have your number saved AND I had just woken up," I replied sleepily. I noticed then that the turtle who had accompanied Mikey was Raphael. This surprised me and made me wonder why he was there. Still early in the morning I couldn't find the will to care so I just relaxed and sipped my tea. After the first sip it dawned on me I hadn't offered to get them anything to drink. Again I sat up and put my cup down. "Do you guys want anything to drink," I offered. They both asked for coffee so I nodded and walked into my kitchen. They followed and each took a seat at my island.

I turned to give them coffee mugs while it brewed and saw Raph push my cup of tea towards me. I smiled and bobbed my head as thanks. It smelled wonderful and strong, the earthy smells soothing me and I began to wake up properly. It wasn't until after they had been served coffee and we had been drinking in amicable silence a thought came to be about what I was wearing. Though I wasn't naked, the thin negligé barely came to mid-thigh and in the front it dipped low. Mikey was preoccupied with his phone but Raph's eyes were watching me, appreciation blatantly obvious in them. I could feel my eyes widen and the blush spread rapidly from the tips of my ears over my cheeks and down my neck. Still keeping eye-contact he grinned. He was amused I hadn't even realized anything until that point but refused to apologize.

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